Covid Toscana, Giani: “We need the regional police to enforce the ordinances”


Florence, November 2, 2020 – “When I issue an ordinance, who do I have to go to enforce it? No one. That is why I ask for a reflection that leads us to have a regional police, which can start from the provincial police, which becomes the regional police, and that helps me implement the measures. “This was stated by the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, on the sidelines of an initiative held today at the Fortezza da Basso to Florence. “I must always ask with grace and courtesy that the municipal police or public law enforcement agencies help me to enforce the ordinances that I do – added Giani – The government in my opinion in these Dpcm It must allow the president of the region, if he is going to have the high responsibility that some territories in his region should be closed, also have people to help him enforce what we will write in the ordinances.

“But I will be very respectful of government intervention and always be consistent in creating a balancing strategy between what is the level of contagion and what are the restrictions that should not be absolute but graduated to the objectives pursued.” Giani continued.

The new Dpcm – The measures that the government is introducing to contain the Coronavirus emergency “cannot be considered a palliative. Introduce real curfews in a given time slot, further restrict the lines of movement with respect to the school, go to provide a whole series of exchange measures between regions and regions, for Tuscany which is a transit region since it is in the center of Italy, it is certainly a further decrease in movements, they are measures that go in the direction of further tightening, “said Giani.

And tampons … On the hypothesis that general practitioners can perform i tampons “A meeting is planned that we will hold together with Councilor Bezzini in the next few hours,” said Giani, announcing that in the next few days also general practitioners may perform swabs on their patients to verify the presence of contagion of Coronavirus. I really appeal to the spirit of work of general practitioners because they are essential -added Giani-, they are essential to make swabs and they are fundamental for the culture with which we must live in the coming days, that is, to give directions to everyone who contacts them . of the moment and the appropriate way to face the pandemic. It is necessary to try, where there are asymptomatic and low symptoms, to face the “contagion” at home, with therapies. I am convinced that although fever at 38 the symptoms are never relative, even people feel that they can have help at home by listening to the family doctor, and not going to the hospital ”.

New spaces for the sick – “We have worked to find what concerns the national and military state property, so in the coordination work that we will develop we will be able to provide answers that serve to prevent the flooding of hospitals. There is a tracking work that is being done ”, concluded Giani, referring to the idea of ​​setting up health hotels to take people not seriously ill but affected by the coronavirus. For the preparation of new intensive care beds “we are committed to doing so because if we see an upward trend in ‘contagions’ we must also anticipate the need to provide a response,” added Giani who, also speaking of the request for nurses to make new Recruitment contests in his sector, he replied, “We will.”
