As we have now learned, and despite changes in direction from WHO and numerous experts, not all people who contract the coronavirus develop symptoms. In fact, according to the latest data in circulation, asymptomatic in the world it would be more than 20% of the total positives.
A percentage that in the case of Italy would be much higher, almost 56%, although not everyone agrees, such as the virologist Giorgio Palù, professor of Microbiology and virology at the University of Padua, who even spoke of 95%. , figure not confirmed by any study.
Even Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, speaking of the various Dpcm adopted in recent months, underlined the distinction between asymptomatic and other categories of Covid positives.
I Symptoms of COVID-19 They are mostly fever, cough, malaise, runny nose, headache, sore throat, bronchitis and, in some cases, shortness of breath. Symptoms have now been shown to be potentially more dangerous, because they are able to spread the virus more easily, due to the power of its droplets after coughing or sneezing, for example.
the asymptomatic instead, they are people who have contracted the coronavirus but who do not develop any symptoms, neither characteristic nor atypical, of Covid-19. That is, they have been infected, so they are positive, but do not develop any clinical manifestation of the pathology.
The only way to know if you have contracted the virus, in the absence of symptoms, is to have a swab.
Another category is presymptomatic. They are those who have been infected by the virus and are in that phase called “incubation period”, Which elapses between the moment of contagion of Covid-19 and the development of the first symptomatic manifestations.
According to the World Health Organization, The average incubation period for the coronavirus is 5-6 days. In most cases, it takes just under a week from contact with the virus until the first symptoms appear, although it has been shown that in some cases the incubation period can last up to 14 days.
Result infectious even 2-3 days earlier the appearance of symptoms. All the more reason for this reason, isolating a patient only when they begin to show the clinical signs of Covid is not enough to limit infections.
Finally, there are the so-called paucisintomatici. These are all those who contract Coronavirus and develop very mild, typical and / or atypical symptoms of the disease: a little cough and / or cold, fever but low, runny nose, some pain or some small gastrointestinal problem. 16% of the total positives would be in Italy.
Thus, infection in symptomatic paucis is visible, but symptoms do not require hospitalization and do not lead to serious and / or life-threatening complications.