Published on: 03/11/2020 9:45 AM
“The The government does now what has not been done before. A decalogue to save ItalyThus begins the petition launched by the think tank ‘Lettera150’ and the David Hume Foundation on Change.org. The petition begins with “the truth operation” about the mistakes made in recent months to combat the epidemic, an operation launched last year by ten academics, including Luca Ricolfi, Giuseppe Valditara, Andrea Crisanti and Giovanni Orsina.
“We think that what was not done between May and October must absolutely be done now that the epidemic has broken out again and we are about to experience a new blockade”, say the petitioners, “to avoid the sacrifices of Italians are scattered throughout the wind. There are ten things that have not been done and that must be done now. This time we need a precise and solemn commitment from the government, indicating costs, stages of progress and completion dates. “
The petition, after underlining that in light of the Constitution, the coordination and planning of policies to protect the health of Italians was the responsibility of Prime Minister Conte and his ministers, lists the 10 strategic points: massive tampons, schools in security, Accessible epidemiological data, tracking, gatherings and sanctions, intensive care, distancing in public transport, flu vaccines, community medicine, Covid hotel. “Enough of hesitation. In these matters the possibility of the country to rise up is at stake,” they conclude.
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