
«Dpcm for tonight, with a emergency shutdown light on the German model. “The Undersecretariat of Health anticipates this Sandra Zampa on Rai Radio1 on Radio too, arguing that the attempt is not to paralyze the country. The new Dpcm measures against coronavirusTherefore, it will arrive tonight, “in the next few hours.” The attempt that is being made is not to paralyze the country: it will not be a rigid confinement, but similar to the German model, “a light confinement”, confirms the Zampa Undersecretary of Health.
Dpcm, Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria towards the total blockade: what will happen region by region
Dpcm, measured by risk areas: Conte divides the country into 3, but a curfew everywhere
“Don’t paralyze the country”
«It is quite complicated – Sandra Zampa explained – trying to make a tailoring measure by zones, it is a huge effort that we are making. The attempt is not to paralyze the country, I want to be clear. It will not be a rigid lock, but similar to the German model, lightweight.
Dpcm, Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria towards the total blockade: what will happen region by region
What does it mean to divide the Regions into three bands according to the severity of the situation, as announced by Prime Minister Conte? What will happen in the areas of greatest risk? The truth is that the government has not yet explained it to the presidents of the regions and until yesterday morning they spoke about it in very general terms.
Last update: 12:14