Then the governor: “We hope the government will tell us what to do. Our request is for uniformity. Curfew? Here we also ask for uniformity.”
In connection with Sky TG24 the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, was clear about the measures that the government will decide to adopt in the next few hours: “We have a situation that today is different from that of March, when the government showed a map of Italy divided into orange areas, yellow, green, red. We had different measures for the contiguous provinces. We are telling the Government that making the same mistake in March is wrong, now we have 11 regions that have the Rt above 1.5, which means that they have a High risk The measures must necessarily be national, because from the Aosta Valley to Calabria the virus is everywhere and grows everywhere, “he said. Then: “That is why we ask, with a collaborative spirit and institutional respect, that there be a collaborative relationship and that we realize that the diversification that took place in March was wrong and that Covid is a national problem and national measures are needed. example of school closings in Piedmont, I was unable to impose parental leave. My power comes to close schools, but not to impose parental leave, so government intervention is necessary. Or if I in Piedmont decide to close activities X, these activities would close without access to national supplies because that money is given by the Government. You cannot intervene in pieces, you have to intervene all together, with a form that includes the responsibilities of the Regions and the Government, that is complete and that gives a perspective. What I don’t see today is a perspective to give the country ”. (ALL UPDATES – CONTAGION MAPS AND GRAPHICS)
The words of Alberto Cirio
In the morning there will be a new meeting with the government: “We are waiting for you to tell us what to do. Our request is for uniformity. Curfew? Here we also ask for uniformity.” On fast tampons, Cirio concluded: “The Piedmont region, together with Veneto, was the first to use them in the public. Fast tampons are also manufactured in the RSA. One million of them were bought with a race held in August without you wait for the state. There have been problems in the pharmacy, but they are particular. They have found a practical problem, but it has been found all over Italy and around the world. They struggle to find nurses who can process these swabs. “