There will be no day of emergency shutdown. Or at least, it won’t be the same for everyone. In front of the Chamber of Deputies, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the scheme of the new Dpcm. There is still no official date for the entry into force of this document: at the moment we are talking about Wednesday. The truth, however, is that the new regulations introduced by the government will try to have a surgical effect. Instead of being a new one emergency shutdown At the national level, closures will be introduced in regions and provinces where epidemic rates will exceed certain thresholds.
The government has defined 21 risk criteria that divide the Italian regions into three bands: from those in which the epidemic is under control to those in which the risk of blocking health activity is too high to allow the normal continuation of all . activities. One of the most important numbers that will define the position in one band over another is the Rt, the transmissibility index. At different times, virologists and the media were careful that this threshold does not exceed the value of 1, now Piedmont and Lombardy are at 2.16 and 2.09. Another 11 regions are above 1.5.
Risk levels: moderate to very high
Therefore, the limitations imposed to contain contagion will change depending on the level of risk. The measures are not yet defined but the minimum level of security will be defined by the limits imposed at the national level with the new Dpcm, from the curfew (the time that has not yet been understood) until the closure of museums, the extension of distance teaching for high school students and blocking of activities for shopping centers on weekends.
Higher levels of risk have new and stricter restrictions. There is still no certainty about the measures that will be adopted, but the closest document to the new measures is that of Scenario 4 published by the Higher Institute of Health. This is where we talk about “very aggressive containment measures”, including the establishment of local red zones to limit mobility. Conte’s statements about who will have to decide the level of risk (and therefore the restrictions) of an area are also relevant: “The inclusion of a Region will be done with an order from the Minister of Health.”
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