Thirteen cases of positivity of covid-19 verified in the school environment by the Public Hygiene staff of the Ausl Romagna in the Forlì area. There are four classes for which quarantine has been ordered. This is the map of infections: a case was found in the “Zangheri” high school in Forlì, where a student tested positive. After the preventive inspection carried out by the health professionals of the institute, no high-risk close contacts were identified in the school environment of the student who tested positive, but only occasional contacts.
Inform the Ausl: “Occasional class contacts will have to monitor the appearance of fever or other suspicious symptoms of Covid (cough, cold, diarrhea and conjunctivitis) for 14 days from the last risk contact, or from October 31. symptoms, it is necessary to contact your GP without delay. For occasional contacts, quarantine or suspension of school attendance is not prescribed, but it is recommended to wear the surgical mask, have careful hand hygiene and avoid opportunities for aggregations that avoid physical distancing. A buffer is offered to those occasional contacts. ”Same arrangement for a class of elementary” Mellini “and elementary” De Amicis “, where two children tested positive, and for a section of Rodari, where a teacher was infected. Nor was quarantine ordered for several classes at the “Benedetto Croce” secondary school, where the positivity of two students emerged.
Classes in quarantine
Regarding the case of a student from the “Saffi” primary school in Forlì, taking into account that the projection, carried out after a
Previous positivity found in the same class, highlighted this additional positivity, quarantine was arranged for classmates and teachers in close contact for ten days from the last contact, or from October 30, with swabs performed on the tenth day and 14 days from the last contact, no swab. Same disposition for a class at the Scientific Institute, where a positivity had already been found.
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Three positives in the same class, who ended up in quarantine, at the Liceo Classico (last contact on October 28). A section of the “La Primavera” nursery school in Galeata and the “Arcobaleno” nursery school (last contact on October 28), where two children were infected, were also quarantined: the decision was made because, it is explained, “The children of this age group is not required to wear a mask and it is difficult for them to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between themselves and the staff throughout their stay at the school ”.