Giuseppe Conte informed the Chamber about the new dpcm, anticipating its content.
The situation
We must decide quickly, in the face of sudden growth.
The ISS forced us to set up a new body of restrictive measures even before November 4. I have decided to anticipate my words to give Parliament the opportunity to intervene: from now on I announce my willingness to accept the resolutions of the House and the Senate.
I proposed to the leaders of the opposition forces the possibility of setting up a discussion table with the Government, to have complete and constant information on the pandemic and to have more concrete requests and proposals. Proposal rejected, if there were doubts it remains unchanged: it does not imply confusion of roles, nor does it point to overlapping responsibilities, the government will continue to be aware of its responsibilities to the country.
The national and European epidemiological panorama seems particularly critical, the pandemic is advancing inexorably, forcing each country to adopt increasingly restrictive measures week after week. There is a control room with Iss, the Ministry of Health and the Regions that produce the report: our infections are lower than in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. From October 19 to 25, the reported cases almost doubled compared to the previous week, more than 100,000. Until yesterday, Sunday, November 1, in Italy there were 378,129 infected, 94% are in home isolation, while at the peak of the first wave only 51.8% of those infected were treated at home. Now only 5% are hospitalized with symptoms, compared to 41% at the peak of the first wave. Severity of infections less than the first wave: more than 65% of people are symptomatic or paucisymptomatic. Up to 95% of people have mild symptoms. Yesterday 1,939 people were hospitalized, 21% of the available beds occupied. Patients in intensive care have just over half of the beds activated. At the beginning of the emergency there were 5179 beds in intensive care, during these months we have activated 9052, + 75%. Inspector Arcuri has 1789 fans to distribute according to the trend of the curve, we will reach 10841 beds in intensive care.
The increase in infections is also the result of strong screening activity, with peaks of 215 thousand swabs per day and in March we did 25 thousand. Today we have a better response capacity: we have distributed 1.6 billion different products, we are one of the few countries in the world where 11 million masks are distributed free of charge to members of the school community.
At the moment there is no unsustainable pressure in the intensive care units: rather, we are registering a growing and worrying pressure in the rest of the services, in some hospitals in particular, with special reference to sub-intensive care. Last week an extract agreement was signed with general practitioners and pediatricians to perform rapid antigenic tests, treat as much as possible at home and lighten emergency rooms. 10 million rapid tests have already been purchased and will be distributed to local health authorities and general practitioners, targeting schools in particular to reduce quarantines. The Regions will be able to perform up to 100,000 rapid tests per day, 250,000 molecular swabs per day. It will be possible to increase the population’s screening capacity, with these figures already in the coming days up to 350 thousand tests per day.
In the event of a particularly certain scenario, according to the Minister of Defense, we will be able to count on other military medical personnel, 453 doctors, 867 military nurses. We have covid hospitals in Rome, Milan and Taranto, we have military field hospitals that we can deploy.
Despite the efforts, the evolution of the epidemic in recent days is very worrying. According to the pre-established parameters, we are moving towards a type 4 scenario, with reference to some regions in particular. A serious epidemiological picture is confirmed in general throughout the national territory with specific critical aspects in many regions and autonomous provinces.
Right now we are at 1.7 national rt, with an index below 1.5 in some regions. In some regions, however, the figure is above average. There is a high probability that 15 regions will exceed the thresholds for critical critical care and medical areas in the next month.
It should be noted that the framework described above does not take into account the effects derived from the restrictive measures introduced with the last Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24 and their impact on the growth curve. These effects can only occur from the fourteenth day after the adoption of the measures. Although the effects will be positive, at this time there is no scientific evidence that allows us to predict the extent of this impact.
We are obliged to intervene with prudence and maximum caution for a better strategy to contain the contagion. It must necessarily be modulated according to the different criticalities of the territories, graduating the interventions according to the circulation of the virus and the stability of the health services.
New interventions must be modulated according to the risk actually detected in the territories. On the basis of objective and predefined scientific criteria, it will be necessary to introduce a differentiated regime based on different regional scenarios. In Italy this monitoring system was developed that today places us in a position to change our strategy compared to the first phase when, invaded by an unknown enemy, we were forced to protect ourselves inside our homes by suspending our working and relational life. In March, in the absence of an operational plan, without such a sophisticated monitoring system, we issued provisions that were mostly general and uniform throughout the national territory that led to a generalized shutdown.
We have always operated with the utmost caution, without having a precise plan that we have today. Today we not only measure the contagion rate of the territories, but the plan processes the data flow of the territory based on 21 parameters that include the number of symptomatic cases per month, number of cases with a history of hospitalization, RSA with al minus one weekly criticality, percentage of buffers, replicability index, number of new transmission outbreaks, occupation of medical area or intensive care beds according to availability.
A system that today forces us to intervene in a more focused way, to facilitate or restrict measures on a territorial basis. The effect will be to intervene several times and gradually: depending on the criticality threshold. If we were to propose equal measures for all, we would obtain the opposite effect: we would end up imposing unreasonably restrictive measures in areas where today it is not necessary to intervene with severity.
The next dpcm will identify three areas corresponding to 3 risk scenarios, with increasingly restrictive measures: the inclusion of a region in one of the areas will be carried out by order of the Minister of Health, only based on the risk coefficients of the region .
Across Italy, in areas that are currently not at risk
For the entire national territory where there are no high risk levels, we will intervene with specific measures to strengthen the containment objective that we already pursued with the last dpcm.
We plan to arrange the closing of holidays and days before holidays of the shopping centers with the exception of food, tobacco, pharmacies and parapharmacies. In line with the closure of gambling and bingo halls, we will close gambling corners and video games wherever they are located. Museums and exhibitions will also close, we also anticipate a reduction of up to 50% of the local public transport capacity limits, limits on travel to and from regions with high risk coefficients, unless there are proven work needs, studies or health reasons. , situations of need.
Limits for the movement of people in the late afternoon, with the usual exceptions. Second grade high schools can completely switch to distance education.
For the other two containment regimes, for the higher risk regions.
Additional restrictive provisions that graduate them in proportion to the risk ratio. The guiding principle is the defense of human life and health. We are aware of the fatigue and also the anger of the citizens: they find themselves living with limitations in their personal freedoms, we are aware of the profound repercussions that the restrictions will have on economic activity, production and income. There can be no dilemma between protecting health and defending our economy: the more effective we are in bending the contagion curve, the more we can relax the measures that are effective today, avoiding the deterioration of the economic and social fabric. Today the GDP result (+ 16.1%) is extraordinary, thanks to the discipline of citizens and our companies. The government does not intend to step back an inch in the economic protection of Italian workers, companies and families. The complexity of the situation forces us to provide all the necessary support, for as long as it is necessary, as necessary.
Each crisis is an opportunity for change and transformation, this is now the third in the last 15 years and this time Italy, Europe and the West can give a true turning point that was missing in the previous two.
The task of politics will be to accompany this transition: no one can be said to be exempt from this historical challenge. I take the liberty of addressing an invitation to all the forces in the country: let us remain united in this dramatic moment, in the name of unity and the values that are the basis of our constitutional framework.