New Dpcm, different risk bands for areas: Ferrara at risk of blockage


Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

The new Dpcm will include strategies and measures that will be modulated according to the situations of the Regions on the basis of an Rt, the virus replication index, “significantly higher” than 1.5, that is, the level at which it is probable a blockage. And Ferrara would be fully in it, like other provinces in our region.

The new Dpcm, on which Prime Minister Conte reported in Parliament and which will probably be signed on Tuesday, could also include the closure of bars and restaurants for lunch and the lockout of shops where the Rt transmission rate exceeds the 1.5. While the traffic ban could be activated at 9:00 p.m. The governors must sign the ordinances in agreement with the government, which may indicate the risk areas urging interventions. In risk areas, the procedure must foresee three levels of danger based on the scenarios and risk levels developed by the Higher Institute of Health. As reported by Conte, the third level is the national level, the second level is with more severe measures reserved for more critical Regions and the first level is the one with even more severe measures reserved for regions that are in scenario 4 and above. risk, that is to say in which a real blocking will take place.

The last scenario, the most serious, occurs when the RT is stable above 1.5, but other parameters must also be evaluated, such as the severity of the cases, untracked infections and the pressure on the health system. It must be said that Emilia Romagna currently has a Rt of 1.66 and many infections without monitoring. Therefore, the region would be in scenario 4, but it is considered to have a moderate risk. Among the provinces, Ferrara has a Rt greater than 1.5, together with Modena, Reggio Emilia and Ravenna, while the rest of the provinces have a Rt between 1.25 and 1.5. These data refer to the week of October 19-25, the last available, but the problem is that almost everywhere, in the following days, the trend of the epidemic has worsened. Therefore, Ferrara, like other provinces, would run the risk of being included among those in which scenario 4 would impose a total blockade, if not the entire region.

The inclusion of a Region in a given scenario will occur in any case with an ordinance of the Ministry of Health, also taking into account outbreaks and the employment situation of hospital beds and intensive care. The premier stressed that “there are specific criticisms in the autonomous regions and provinces. The national RT is 1.7, but in some regions the figure is obviously higher. There is another probability that 15 regions will exceed critical thresholds in intensive care areas and medical areas in the next month.

In the Dpcm there are also limits to travel to and from risk regions, or with high risk coefficients, without prejudice to the needs of work, study and health. It is also planned to adopt national limits on the movement of people late at night, probably at 9pm.

The shopping centers will be closed on holidays and days before holidays with the exception of food stores, parapharmacies and pharmacies and kiosks within the centers. Also closed for museums and exhibitions. Full distance learning is also envisaged for secondary schools and the reduction to 50% of the capacity limit of local public transport.

On the other hand, the hypothesis of leaving those over 70 at home as a measure of protection for the most fragile and at risk population has disappeared. But the details will be illustrated in the prime minister’s press conference that will follow the signing of the Dpcm.
