Lombardy, majority councilor in chat: ‘My mother-in-law can’t find the vaccine, I give her Gallera’s number so maybe she’ll resign’


The doses are there and we are respecting the calendar “, continues the Lombard Councilor for Wellbeing, Giulio Gallera, who never admitted the mess in flu shots. But now to deny their guarantees is a message sent via WhatsApp from Viviana Beccalossi, Gallera’s former colleague at the Maroni arrived and today a regional councilor of the majority who supports the current governor Fontana. A denial that sounds mocking: “My mother-in-law (89 years old) has been unsuccessful for a month wanting to get a flu shot,” Beccalossi wrote last Saturday in a chat titled “Covid 19 Update”, used by group leaders and commission chairs from Pirellone to exchange information about the pandemic. “His GP – he continues – says that he does not have it and that even the payment pharmacy could not find it. And that’s why it pissed me off. I’m thinking of giving him Gallera’s cell phone and, knowing her well, she would call him every day until he pleased her. Maybe the time is right to quit!”.

Contacted by ilfattoquotidiano.it, Beccalossi justifies himself: “It was a chat error. It was a confidential message that ended up in the wrong chat. Then I canceled it. ” But the criticism of Gallera was written clear and round, don’t you think? “I have nothing to add, when I had something to criticize in Gallera I did it in the right places.” But what is your assessment of your work? “Today I am not going to make statements about what I think of Gallera.”

Historical exponent of Brothers from Italy, which Beccalossi helped found, came out in controversy with Giorgia Meloni in March 2018, the same days Fontana removed her from his board. Al Pirellone is president of mixed group and, although with some distinctions, it has always been faithful to the majority. Like in May, when you have voted against Gallera’s distrust talking about a “Sensational own goal” by the Democratic Party who had presented it. Or in September, when the opposition’s motion of censure against Fontana spoke of “Pd and M5S Witch Hunt”.

Now his chat message expresses a position opposite to those expressed so far by Beccalossi publicly. After all, her mother-in-law is just one of thousands of Lombard citizens who have tried to get a flu shot in recent days, without success. And this despite the fact that the Ministry of Health had recommended that this year the vaccination campaign Leave the beginning of October and for a wider audience than usual, which among others includes i children under 6 and over 60 rather than just those over 65. The objective is vaccinate as many people as possible, especially in the bands at risk, in order to facilitate the diagnosis of COVID-19, which has flu-like symptoms, and not to further burden already saturated hospitals. But Lombardy region He only managed to start the vaccination campaign on October 19, the day on which family doctors were able to reserve the first doses to have them available in the following days. And it started very slowly, as he said ilfattoquotidiano.it: in the first two weeks, each family doctor was guaranteed the availability of 50 doses, while in other Regions it was guaranteed from the beginning up to 400. The worst was for the public vaccination centers, which should receive the doses only from these days.

All this is the result of the mess made by the Department of Gallera and by Aria Regional Shopping Center in tenders, with auction price errors and in quantities to buy. The Milan prosecutor’s office has opened a dossier also taking into account the high price of the last purchases, 100 thousand doses of the 2.9 million orders they are unusable because they do not have the authorization of the Italian Medicines Agency and about another 168 thousand a mystery has been opened: the Democratic Party stressed that official documents also show these without authorization, while Gallera ensures that everything is fine. On October 27 last episode: Aria published another call, the tenth, for the purchase of 150 thousand vaccines. The race, which closed the following day, is still under evaluation. For the Region it is an initiative with only “precautionary value”. As if to say that there is no problem with vaccines. But in the meantime, Beccalossi’s mother-in-law waits.


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