No national blockade, but differentiated interventions according to three risk areas. And then stop at gambling centers, arcades, museums – 50% local public transport, limited trips.
The contagion curve is “running”, in Italy “the situation is” getting worse “and the government is therefore preparing to launch new restrictive measures on Wednesday. In Parliament, Giuseppe Conte presents the following squeeze to stop the contagion. It does so by illustrating just a few of the new rules, including a national curfew at 9:00 p.m., the closure of shopping centers on weekends, stops at exhibitions and museums, travel limits but above all the identification of “three areas with three risk scenarios with increasingly restrictive measures “and an automatic mechanism that will lead the Ministry of Health to issue closure orders for the Regions with the highest Rt index.”
Hypothesized restrictions for the Regions with the “green” category, if the Region fell into the “orange” category, more restrictive measures would be automatically activated; if it were later moved to the “red” category, the measurements would be even more rigid.
In addition, along with the closure of exhibitions and museums, Conte also announced that about the so-called machines that, therefore, will be turned off again in the next few hours. On the other hand, Lotto and Superenalotto, the Italian lotteries that were forced to suspend competitions on March 21, in the midst of a health crisis, will remain “open”. A shutdown that lasted 45 days, until May 4 – coinciding with Phase 2 – that cost the tax authorities, according to data reported by analysts, a loss of about 25 million euros a day.
In Parliament, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte speaks of a “new body of restrictive measures” pointing out seven interventions that will affect the whole country: the closure of shopping centers on holidays and before holidays, with the exception of essential activities in the interior (pharmacies, parapharmacies, food, tobacco and kiosks); the closure of “corners” used for betting and gaming activities wherever they are located, therefore no more slot machines in bars and tobacconists; the closure of all museums and exhibitions; the reduction of the filling capacity of buses and subways of local public transport with the capacity ranging from 80% to 50%, a measure requested for months by the Scientific Technical Committee to reduce the spread of the infection. The Dpcm also provides for 100% distance learning for secondary schools, therefore for secondary schools, even if the formula used by the prime minister in Parliament – “even in its entirety” – does not clarify whether it is an obligation. or a choice left to the institutions. Kindergarten, elementary school and high school will continue to attend, unless they are in areas where more limitations will occur due to a higher level of risk.
The last two measures at the national level refer to the limit to travel to and from those regions that have high risk coefficients, which can only be waived for proven work needs, study reasons, health and needs, and the curfew. On this last point, the discussion in the government is still open: Conte spoke of “limits to traffic in the late afternoon,” which would seem to invalidate the hypothesis of a curfew at 6 in the afternoon. The hypothesis that arose during the meeting of the majority heads of delegation is to stop at 21, but there is still no agreement. On the other hand, yesterday the idea of a kind of “generational lockdown” circulated, which provided for the obligation of the elderly to stay at home, finally vanished.
However, the detail of the Dpcm is not there yet. And this is because the government continues to duel with the governors, opposed to the idea of selective closures of the territories, instead in favor of uniform national stakes.
National measures will be accompanied by specific interventions at the local level. “Also because -explained the prime minister- today an indistinct restrictive regime would have a double negative result”: it would not allow effective measures to be taken in the areas of greatest risk and would impose overly severe measures where they are not necessary. Therefore, Italy will be divided into 3 zones: “criteria are established – government sources explain – that activate an automatic mechanism; certain scenarios correspond to certain measures “.
In the first band There will be the Regions considered “higher risk”, therefore those where the situation is compatible with the one hypothesized in “scenario 4” of the ISS document: an Rt greater than 1.5 and an “uncontrolled transmissibility” of Covid. With the current data, Piedmont, Lombardy, both with Rt above 2, and Calabria would end, but the situation could change: in the next few hours, updated monitoring data will be available, with the CTS meeting to analyze them in order to Deliver to the government the most current “photograph” of the epidemiological situation in Italy.This is the range in which the most restrictive measures are envisaged: from local closures at the provincial level for at least 3 weeks to the limitation of individual mobility until the closure of the entire Region with the exception of essential activities. The province of Bolzano has already been autonomously placed in this range: after leaving bars and restaurants open in opposition to the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24, it has now announced a 3-week closure.
In the second band On the other hand, there are all those territories in which the risk factor is compatible with “scenario 3”, with an Rt between 1.25 and 1.5 and a “sustained and generalized transmissibility with risks of maintenance of the health system in the medium term” . In this case, “slightly less restrictive measures” are envisaged, the prime minister said. Which? Closing of activities, limitations to mobility in municipalities and provinces, closing of schools and universities due to epidemiological situation.
In the last band, the thirdOn the other hand, all Regions that have a risk index compatible with “scenario 2”, where the TR is between 1 and 1.25, will finish. According to the latest available monitoring, today only Basilicata (1.04) and Sardinia (1.12) fall into this band.
Conte went to the House also urging confrontation with opposition groups, in the name of the emergency. A line that follows the call to unity that the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella makes to Stefano Bonaccini and Giovanni Toti, respectively president and vice president of the Conference of the Regions: “We need constructive dialogue and collaboration between the institutions”, is the message of the Head of State.
Once the vote in Parliament for the head of government has been collected, a real race against time opens to reach the drafting and publication of the new dpcm. A path that at the moment is all uphill so much that the possibility that the text does not see the light even on Tuesday begins to make its way in the small groups of Montecitorio. The morning meeting between the State and the Regions registered a new black smoke for the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia to describe the meeting as “interlocutory”, heralding a new round on the night after the conclusions of the parliamentary work. Among the most controversial points is that of the school. The prime minister’s idea is to bring 100% distance education to secondary school, which is already in place in Lombardy.