M5S: Closing schools is the last and most painful alternative possible. Guaranteed presence education where the spread of infection is not out of control



“Health is the highest good to protect at this stage, but education comes immediately afterwards. Parliament has expressed a clear political position, committing the Government to guarantee teaching in presence in all territories where the spread of infections is not out of control and to protect in particular the younger age groups, from nursery schools to the school. senior High School “.

Thus the deputies and deputies of the 5 Star Movement in the Culture Commission, after the approval of the majority resolution in Montecitorio.

“The words spoken today by President Conte reassure us, we trust that in the next Dpcm the effort of these days will be rewarded for never having yielded on the right to education and the line drawn in Parliament will be followed. But the commitment to defend students and students must continue to see all institutions united and collaborative, at all levels ”.

“The closure of schools should be considered the last, the most painful and difficult alternative possible, while we continue to do everything possible to avoid that the consequences of the pandemic, but also of the inefficiencies of the sectors linked to education, are transmitted to the new generations ”, they continued.

We celebrate the reduction of the capacity of public transport, announced by the Prime Minister: it is now known that much more than school, transport and extracurricular activities are dangerous for the increase in infections ”.

“Meanwhile, Minister Azzolina has already allocated new resources to implement digital education: in addition to the 85 million from the Ristori decree, 3.6 million will be used to equip secondary schools that until now had no connection. Defending the school is an imperative, an obligation towards the country ”, conclude the pentastellati spokesmen.

