The anti-Covid measures announced by Conte, from shopping malls to exhibitions and museums


AGI – Closing of shopping centers on weekends, restrictions on mobility at night, reduction of public transport capacity to 50% and closure of museums and exhibitions. These are some of the “necessary measures with the maximum speed” in which the government is thinking and whose adoption will be in the hands of the Parliament.

Giuseppe Conte explained to the Chamber the initiatives that the government will have to take in the face of a “sudden” increase in contagion. “Parliament may express itself before” the measures of the government and I give my will to accept the findings that will come, the premier explained.

Necessary actions because the situation has worsened

“The curve runs through all continents. Within a global framework, the EU is one of the areas most affected by the impact of the second wave,” he added, “In recent weeks the increase in cases has been 150 infections for every 100 thousand inhabitants and also in our country the situation is getting worse: the resurgence led to a significant multiplication of infections“.

“We are not experiencing unbearable pressure in the intensive care units,” he said, but rather “we are experiencing a worrying overcrowding” in particular “in sub-intensive care and in the medical area in general. Pressure needs to be relieved in the emergency room and increase the possibility of detection in the Italian population “.

“The evolution of the epidemic is very worrying,” we are moving towards a type 4 scenario and “there is a risk of paralysis of health services in some regions,” said the premier. “The panorama is serious in all the national territory” but especially in some regions and autonomous provinces, he added. “There is a high probability that the Rt index will deteriorate over the next month in 15 regions“and” this image does not take into account “the effects of the new Dpcm”. The national RT is 1.7 but in some regions the figure is higher. Exists a high probability that 15 regions will exceed critical thresholds in intensive care areas and medical areas in the next month. As of yesterday, 1,939 people were hospitalized in intensive care. Patients in intensive care are currently just over half of the beds activated thanks to government supplies with the special commissioner ”.

What the dreaded ‘scenario 4’ implies

Italy projects towards scenario 4, the most serious, according to the ‘Prevention and response to COVID-19’ plan prepared by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, which provides for different scenarios and the related measures to be implemented based on the trend. of the epidemic. This was certified by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself, in his speech before the House. Scenario 4 occurs in cases of uncontrolled transmissibility with critical problems in the health system Short term.

One of the parameters taken into account is the Rt contagion rate region by region. The red alert occurs when 1.5 is exceeded, and there are 13 regions that in the latest ISS report are above the threshold: two of these even exceed 2, they are Piedmont (2.16) and Lombardy (2, 09). The other regions of interest are Calabria (1.66), Emilia Romagna (1.63), Friuli Venezia Giulia (1.5), Lazio (1.51), Liguria (1.54), Molise (1.86) , Province of Bolzano (1.96), Province of Trento (1.5), Puglia (1.65), Umbria (1.67) and Valle d’Aosta (1.89).

There will be no homogeneous measures throughout the territory

“There will not be an indistinct regime in the territory,” Conte said. “The next Dpcm will identify three areas corresponding to three risk areas. We are forced to intervene with a view to prudence.“implement new measures and” implement a contagion containment strategy. This strategy must be modulated according to the situation of the regions. For this reason We will make a decision for modulated interventions based on high risks. in the territory on the basis of scientific criteria. We will introduce a differentiated regime based on different regional scenarios ”.

A plan to protect the economy

“The government does not intend to go back one iota in the economic protection” of the social fabric. “The priority is the defense of health. We are aware of the feeling of confusion and anger of the citizens. There can be no dilemma between the protection of the defense of health and the defense of the economy“said the prime minister.

The call to unity

“I take the liberty of making an appeal: let us be united in this dramatic moment. The government’s proposal” to the center-right for a confrontation “remains” and “does not point to a confusion of roles.” “I have proposed,” he said, “to the opposition leaders a table for discussion with the government. At the moment this proposal has been rejected, if there were doubts I can confirm that the government’s proposal remains unchanged and does not imply confusion of roles or overlapping responsibilities “. . The government is aware of full responsibility for each of its decisions. “
