Coronavirus, ambulances queuing at the emergency room in Foggia and San Giovanni Rotondo: video images


Chaos near the emergency room of the Covid hospitals in Foggia and San Giovanni Rotondo. Several ambulances carrying presumptive positive patients with coronavirus infection remained trapped in line at the Riuniti polyclinic and at the Casa Sollievo della Sofevole hospital.

“The pressure on our hospital is great because the hyper-influx of neighboring cities is pouring into the structure with the arrival of ambulances with Covid patients, as happened a few hours ago, extending the waiting times for the disposition of requests for assistance to become important “ they explain from the hospital-university company of the Riuniti Polyclinic in the capital of Dauno.

The situation is stabilizing without difficulty, they assure from the health center: “We also recorded the reaction of the polyclinic and the rest of the health companies in Foggia by letting arrivals flow as quickly as possible and with all the means at our disposal. The goal is to eliminate inflows within 24 by managing them wisely“they explain.

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