100% distance education in secondary schools, limits to mobility between regions at risk, shopping centers closed on holidays and days before holidays. And again: museums, bingo halls and gambling halls will also close, public transport can be 50% full, and there will be limits on the movement of people at night. Here are the national measures contained in the new Dpcm that the government is preparing to launch tomorrow and that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte illustrated to the House. On the national curfew, the Prime Minister did not specify the time, speaking generically of “late at night”, although the hypothesis of 21 remains the most accredited, as he also anticipated Republic.
Everyone home at nine o’clock in the evening and mandatory red zones. But it’s a crash in the Dpcm
by Tommaso Ciriaco

Therefore, the decree will contain both the aforementioned measures valid throughout the Italian territory and stricter regulations differentiated by Regions, divided by risk bands. “In the next Dpcm,” Conte explained, “we will indicate 3 areas with three risk scenarios and increasingly restrictive measures. The inclusion of a Region will be carried out with an ordinance of the Minister of Health ”.
The risk map of the Regions
by Michele Bocci

“The pandemic is occurring suddenly in Europe, forcing each country to enact new restrictive measures from week to week. The new restrictions will be ready by Wednesday,” Conte said in the courtroom. “I leave to Parliament every decision on the need for the necessary measures as quickly as possible” to stop “the sudden increase in contagion, also because within the next month 15 regions will be at risk,” he added at the beginning of his speech before the deputies. “Parliament,” he continued, “will be able to express itself before the government’s measures and I am ready to accept the findings that will come.”
Dpcm, new meeting between the government and the Regions. Zaia: “No arm wrestling. There was no talk of the time of the curfew.” Boccia: “Constructive confrontation and collaboration”

Conte reopens to the opposition: “Think again”
Conte reopened the dialogue with the opposition: “I have proposed to the leaders of the opposition a discussion table with the government, but for the moment this proposal has been rejected.” But he specified: “If there were doubts, I can confirm that the government’s proposal remains unchanged and does not imply confusion of roles or overlapping of responsibilities: the government is aware of full responsibility for each of its decisions.”
Increased infections
Next, the prime minister faced a series of data on the pandemic, highlighting that “the contagion curve runs through all continents. The EU in a global framework is one of the areas most affected by the impact of the second wave. In recent weeks, the increase in Covid cases was 150 infections per 100,000 inhabitants -he affirmed- and also in our country the situation is getting worse, the resurgence has led to a significant multiplication of infections “.
According to the premier, “the picture has worsened compared to the first wave”, but today “up to 95% percent of people have mild symptoms.” According to yesterday’s data, the internees in the intensive care units of Italian hospitals are in any case from 1939, that is, “slightly more than half of the beds activated thanks to government supplies with the extraordinary commissioner.” For this reason, he continued, “we are not suffering unbearable pressure in the intensive care units but rather we are experiencing a worrying overcrowding, especially in sub-intensive therapies and in the medical area in general. So it is necessary to relieve the emergency services.”
Regions at risk
During his speech in the Chamber, the premier raised the alarm: “The epidemiological picture is in the process of transition to scenario 4 with special reference to some territories. The national Rt index is 1.7 but in some regions obviously the lowest. data is higher. There is another probability that 15 regions will exceed critical thresholds in ICU and medical areas in the next month. ”
The center-right: “No to the blockade”
Despite Prime Minister Conte’s call to the opposition for a climate of maximum collaboration, the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, answer in Facebook: “If the call for collaboration is real, we will see how Pd and M5S will vote on the common sense proposals that the center-right has put on paper: for us, in fact, the only possible collaboration is in Parliament, because this is the place where you decide things and you are not about to be filmed by the cameras. “
The controversy was also raised in the Chamber Claudio Borghi, deputy of the League: “Mr. President – said Borghi addressing the prime minister – Italy is a Republic founded on work, not on the Dpcm. We bring everything back to constitutional order because the situation is serious.” But the vice president of the Democratic Party, Andrea Orlando, its Twitter He responds: “I invite the commentators who wonder why until now there has been no collaboration between the majority and the opposition to acquire the intervention made in the Chamber by Borghi on behalf of the League.”
Meanwhile, the center-right of the House has presented a resolution to “outlaw the prospect of a second national shutdown.” The document was presented by Lega, Fdi, Forza Italia and Nci, according to which Per Lega, Fi, Fdi, the government, “responsible for delays and programming errors, now proclaims a new season of closures and invokes, in a recurring one, the prospect of a second national shutdown that would have very serious consequences for our economy ”.