Covid is still scary. Local closures, curfews and isolation of the elderly are being studied


Sardinia, like the rest of Italy, grapples with increasingly dramatic numbers from the coronavirus emergency.

In the latest bulletin issued for the island, 399 new infections and seven victims and four new hospitalizations in intensive care were found.

Meanwhile, the new Dpcm government is expected, scheduled for Tuesday.

Here are the new measures that the government is studying, which is negotiating closely with the regions.

EMERGENCY CLOSURE – For the time being, a generalized blockade is excluded, the government continues to evaluate the hypothesis of specific red zones in the areas where the virus circulates the most. And the governors are divided between those who want uniform measures at the national level, such as Attilio Fontana (Lombardy) and Stefano Bonaccini (Emilia-Romagna), and those who want their territory to be exempt from closure, such as Luca Zaia (Veneto).

“COPRIFUOCO” AT 6 PM – The main novelty is the curfew extended to everyone at 6:00 p.m. (except for work or health reasons or extreme need) with the closure of commercial and personal care activities, except for pharmacies, drugstores and food. Bars and restaurants are also closed for lunch in regions with an infection rate at risk. The critical areas are Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria. Also in risk areas, museums are also closed and vending machines are stopped. Smart work in public administration, except in essential public services.

ELDERLY AT HOME – No to the “generalized confinement” but probably yes to the “generational”. According to the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), which conducted specific research, leaving the elderly at home would save thousands of lives, given the very high mortality rate among those over 80 years of age. The governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, in the midst of the storm over an unhappy tweet, proposes to keep those over 75 at home, supported by colleagues from Lombardy and Piedmont.

STOP MOVING BETWEEN REGIONS – The government is also considering stopping travel between regions and mayors are not against it. “The government is next to the Regions for any other shared restriction,” said Minister Boccia, according to whom “each regional president can intervene according to the needs and criticalities of his own territory.”

DAD ALL MEANS – Among the hypotheses, distance education was also extended to the second and third grade and at this point the governors would not be against: “We must safeguard schools, especially primary and secondary schools – says Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti, Party Secretary Democrat – I think being a parent for a month can save the school year. ” According to Minister Francesco Boccia, “a single decision should not be made, but rather it should depend on the degree of RT (contagion index, ed) in each region”.

HOME HEALTH ASSISTANCE – Linked to the reduction of mobility, it was made explicit at the request of the President of the Sicilian Region, Nello Musumeci, who called for “the adoption of therapeutic / pharmacological plans, limiting the pressure on hospitals.”

SHOPPING CENTERS CLOSED DURING THE WEEKEND – It is a proposal of the Municipalities by the president of Anci Antonio Decaro, Mayor of Bari, the objective is to avoid the gatherings that take place in the centers. Again at the proposal of Decaro, the closure of the betting counters in bars and tobacconists, potential meeting places favorable to contagion.

(Unioneonline / lf)
