
Tomorrow the Conte government will issue a new DPCM with a greater tightening to face the health emergency. Today day of meetings. In itinere, in these hours, the confrontation between the Government, regions and local authorities. Present by Minister Speranza and Boccia. In the afternoon, at 3:30 p.m., a new meeting of Conte with the heads of delegation is called, which is extended to the ministers most directly affected by issues related to the management of the pandemic. At 5 pm, the leaders of the majority group will also join the meeting.
Movement block
Among the measures under study, in the first place, the blocking of movements between Regions. It is debated whether the blockage should be total or if restrictions will be imposed in those Regions where infections have gotten out of control. Travel will only be allowed for health, work and home reasons. To do this, it will take care of a self-certification document, as in spring.
The school
Regarding schools, the opportunity of distance education for each order and grade is discussed in the red areas that will be established based on the RT rate of spread of the virus, if it is higher than 1.5%.
Among the regions involved Lombardy, Piedmont, Campania, Liguria, Umbria, Puglia (or parts of these territories). In the balance Sicily and Calabria. Red zones can also be established at the level of metropolitan areas, Turin and Milan are those with the highest risk of closure.
In these areas there could be a stop for face-to-face teaching and the start of distance education. While in all regions the DAD could be converted at the discretion of the regional governors from the eighth grade onwards.
Minister Speranza himself spoke today of the need to protect the school, but that this “is not intangible with a terrifying contagion curve”
For his part, Minister Boccia confirmed our rumors about the closure of the school due to the spread of the virus in the different Regions. “You don’t have to make a single decision about school “I would have said, according to ANSA, at the top with the local authorities, but it must depend on the degree of RT in each region.”
Interventions for people over 70
Among the measures being debated is the one that wants specific interventions for older people. Among the sympathizers, Governor Toti who thus comments that “the pressure on the hospitals and the number of deaths would be infinitely less”, making a generalized closure and strong interventions in the school less urgent.
The mayors, during the meeting between ministers, regions and local authorities, would have asked that the closures be clearly planned based on risk, as foreseen in the document of the Scientific Technical Committee shared by the Government and the Regions: this document identified the different levels of the Rt index in which the different restrictions had to be triggered -from the father to the school, to the reduction of hours of economic activities-. In this way – ANCI president Antonio Decaro explained – citizens engage in a transparent path and respect the restrictions: Rt index rises, limitations begin, Rt index falls, they loosen.