Requested trip prohibited for over 70s in Lombardy


Coronavirus Decree October 25 Lombardy

The spread of the virus is uniform throughout the country.. The differences are related to the scope of the monitoring, which varies from region to region, ”says Fontana. “It is evident that, once the impact of the measures already adopted on the contagion curves has been verified, future actions to combat the virus must in turn be uniform. A series of interventions in a territory by territory, pulverized and inhomogeneous, would probably be ineffective and even incomprehensible for the citizens, who today are already disoriented. This is the meaning of the discussion this morning between the regions, Anci, Upi with the government. Institutions, starting with the government, they must give consistent, strong and credible signals. The Regions are, as always, ready to collaborate ”.

For a few hours, the hypotheses of declaring the city of Milan and the municipalities of its province have become increasingly concrete. A decision to be made between Monday and Tuesday with a new Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. If this hypothesis were to become a reality, increasingly stringent bans would be introduced. In particular, only trips for work and health reasons would be authorized, travel between regions would be limited and a new squeeze would come in the opening hours of stores and commercial activities (here yesterday’s report).
