The meeting of the ministers Roberto Speranza (Health) and Francesco Boccia (Regional Affairs) is underway via videoconference, convened by the latter with the representatives of the Regions, Municipalities (Anci) and Provinces (Upi), as learned, to discuss the new measures the government is evaluating to counter the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.
Among the governors are connected, among others, Bonaccini (Emilia Romagna, president of the Conference of the Regions), Fontana (Lombardy) Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia) Toti (Liguria), Toma (Molise) Emiliano (Puglia) De Luca (Campania ) Tesei (Umbria), Marsilio (Abruzzo) Cirio (Piedmont), Giani (Tuscany), reportedly. Also Antonio Decaro, president of Anci, and Michele De Pascale (Upi).