Covid-19 does not know what “static meter” means


isis porters school coronavirus

Probably the Covid-19 does not know what “static meter” means. It must be a question of different measurement systems. At school where i work everything had been done perfectly: exactly one meter between the head and the head and exactly two meters between the head of the teacher and the head of the closest student.

Unfortunately, we forgot to warn Covid-19, A few days ago, the most intimate frequenter of me and my family, that in an organization like school, stillness is not exactly the dominant physical law. School is often reached by increasingly similar public transport, in our excellent Region, to take taxis that are used in some countries that are probably less excellent than ours; At school you get up, you sit down, you cross the corridors, you change classrooms, you share tools, you go to the bathrooms, you meet at any time. Therefore, at least on a logical level, it is difficult to combine stillness and movement.

And although we all share the epic impulse with which the head of the Ministry of Education continues to declare: schools should not close!, I am afraid that in the end they will have to close for lack of assistance, all quarantined or closed somewhere to be treated.

Covid-19 has no ears. Not even the tear ducts from which the emotion can come from the proud declarations of our Minister. At the school where I have to work, I saw the colleagues “Covid referrals” exhausted by an emergency, which the Administration does not want to recognize. I saw the principal of the same school desperately trying to communicate with local health officials. and be forced to write solutions and decrees from one day to the next (from afternoon to morning), based on failed ordinances, confusing and contradictory, energetically defended by a bureaucratic apparatus, which seems to be the only truly static reality in the school world.
In short, since last Tuesday I am facing the viral infection. It was not a good experience. At the moment I don’t know how many classes in my school, how many colleagues and how many students, how many staff members tested positive. Due to a strange interpretation of privacy, I was unable to find out at this time. And then I stay home recording the effects of the disease on my body, after drug therapy and by measuring body temperature. Ma: The school must not close! Meanwhile, I am locked in a room, enclosed between a mattress and blankets, also isolated from my family.

To pass the time, I dust within myself an infinite variety of profanities, in known and unknown languages, living and dead, without obviously neglecting the local languages.
