Stop moving between regions? New monday dpcm


Rome – As of November 2, new rules to avoid national confinement

Giuseppe Conte

Giuseppe Conte

Rome – Possible national tightening as of Monday, November 2: limits to stores and circulation between regions. The executive would be willing to set new limits after the long summit that Giuseppe Conte held tonight with the majority heads of delegation.

The data provided by scientists, after the acceleration that the spread of the virus has had in recent days, convinced Conte and the government to meet with the regions to make decisions about a new squeeze that will lead, if not to a real and only confinement, something that looks a lot like him. The areas in which the most attention is focused are Milan, Naples, Genoa, Turin, part of the Veneto and the southern regions.

There was a lot of resistance from the territories. Vincenzo De Luca, for example, affirms: “It is stupid to close Milan and Naples, you don’t need stockings, half measures. It is time for national interventions ”. The government intends to act with some measures throughout the territory and with others with more restrictive local ordinances. In view of the national dpcm, new rules are envisaged for store opening hours, restrictions on regional movements, and perhaps even more stringent for restaurants, sports and personal care. To avoid a total shutdown, the government will ask regions with high Rt to indicate a series of local “red zones”.

Big problem to be solved by the school. For Conte, in some areas, face-to-face teaching is a risk.

October 31, 2020
