Monday Count in Parliament – On Monday, November 2, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will appear in Parliament to receive communications about the Covid emergency. According to parliamentary sources, the prime minister will be in the House at 12 while he waits in the Senate at 17.
Specific closures for 2/3 weeks: Naples, Turin and Milan in the sights – At the moment there is no talk of a generalized confinement, but of closing the areas where infections run the most for two or three weeks. Among the hypotheses that circulate, large cities such as Naples, Turin or Milan would be in the spotlight, but Rome is also on the list of “monitored specialists”. Giuseppe Conte is only waiting for the report of the Technical-Scientific Committee on the most alarming cases to put on paper the measures that will be discussed by Ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza with the Regions, Anci and Provinces on Sunday morning.
Travel between regions and schools within eighth grade is prohibited. – There are also new restrictions on stores, a brake on movements between regions and an intervention in schools: “The curve is experiencing such a rapid increase – Conte admitted – that there is a risk of putting teaching into question face-to-face “. One of the options on the table is to guarantee classroom lessons through seventh grade, with distance learning from eighth grade onward. The executive would also be considering
prepare “covid hotels”, where to house the positives who, otherwise, run the risk of infecting relatives. The government is working. “The numbers are worrying,” he said.
Conte – and there is no crystal ball. “
After a majority summit at Palazzo Chigi, expanded to include experts, Health Minister Roberto Speranza asked the Scientific Technical Committee to meet to provide the government with data on those territories that are dealing with an increase in infections: the the objective is to establish new red zones or to foresee “selective” closures. The focus is on the metropolitan areas of Milan, Naples, Genoa and Turin, a part of Veneto and some southern regions, such as Campania. The situation is decidedly serious, although various government sources reiterate that the second wave was expected, to the point that any measure adopted will respect the indications set out by the ISS last summer in case of exceeding the fearsome Rt index to 1, 5 and 2.
However, a generalized blockade is by no means excluded. However, before resorting to such a drastic measure, Conte intends to evaluate the effects of the last Dpcm, that of October 24, with the closures of theaters and gyms and the stop at 6 pm in bars and restaurants. To understand if the measure served to contract infections we will have to wait until the second half of next week.