Emergency shutdown locals, regional and the spectrum of one general closure. I contagion splashed more than 30 thousand in the day of Friday on the one hand, the need, according to the less rigorous extreme, to wait the time necessary for the new measures implemented last weekend to display their effects on the curve. The government is at the crossroads. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte hints that the winery is on the table and has summoned Scientific technical committee with the heads of delegation of the most. The summit is underway. And the minister Luigi di maio announces that the tables for a Dpcm that will be “more restrictive” are “Incessant”.
“The criteria are: maximum precaution, adequacy and proportionality. We always are flexible. We are working to see if more action is needed, ”he said. Giuseppe Conte there party of Paper. Meanwhile, precisely from the areas with the highest risk of blockage, Campania me Lombardy, the signals come in the opposite direction. With the governor Vincenzo De Luca who labeled the total blockade as “nonsense” Naples asking for the intervention of the general government and Attilio fontana just that Monday will meet with the mayors of Lombardy, probably to agree on a movement at the regional level, since not only the metropolitan area of Milan, where we are heading towards saturation of the tests, but also the Brianza me Varese.
The situation is fluid but the acceleration seems close. The signal is the meeting with the prime minister, the majority of the heads of delegation, the minister Francesco Boccia, the undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro and the Scientific Technical Committee. Conte will go to Parliament on Wednesday and before that date he would not want to accelerate national measures, but at the same time – as he has said Daily fact – already on the day of Friday opened a conversation with Camera me Senate to understand how Parliament may possibly be summoned to “immediate” communications. “If we had a place where we can confront each other quickly to arrive at quick decisions, the government would be even more calm when making them,” the prime minister explained. After all, the photograph taken by the weekly monitoring ofHigher Institute of Health It is clear and has been the engine of acceleration: there are areas of the country already in suffering for beds occupied in Covid departments, others in mid-November could enter a crisis with intensive therapy, ben 11 Regions are listed among the “High risk” and four are already in Scenario 4 hypothesized in the second wave management plan developed by the ministry, ISS, and Regions in recent weeks. “We are now working to examine them and understand if another intervention is needed,” Conte explained.
A situation where you are in the power of the governors intervene. But all the measures prepared so far have been ‘light’, with interventions on transport me distance education. But it is also possible confinements they can be arranged by regional presidents. Waiting, trolling, lengthening the pace only in school, one of the hottest topics. And among those in which it will be necessary to reach an agreement before any decision of a national nature, they are not excluded. Also for this reason, after having assured workers the extension of the stop layoffsConte met with the minister on Friday evening. Lucia azzolina and the heads of delegation of majority parties. Black smoke and I find probably updated to date to establish what is the line to follow in teaching, after the movements in no particular order of the Regions that have the power to promote distance teaching in 75% introduced by the last decree. Interventions that someone reads in a prodomal key for a new turn of the screw. School remains one of the critical problems: “The curve is increasing so rapidly that it risks question face-to-face teaching, some regional presidents have, it’s not our goalWe continue to defend until the end – Conte said – face-to-face teaching. But we have to keep us alert to follow and secure the health protection of the economic fabric “.
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Coronavirus, Conte at the Festa del Foglio: “We need a European plan, vaccine doses not for everyone in December”
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Coronavirus, Conte at the Il Foglio party: “We are working to understand if new measures are needed”