Cases doubled in 7 days, more than 300 hospitalizations for Covid. And yesterday six people lost their lives


ANCONA – The number of hospitalizations in Marche dates back to more than 300, as it had not occurred since May 11, shortly after the end of emergency shutdown. At that time, there were 305 out of 3,227 positive subjects Coronavirus (9.4%), yesterday 301 of 5,641 (5.3%). And for the third consecutive week, as can be seen from the latest monitoring report from the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, the transmissibility index of the infection in our region exceeds the safety threshold, set at 1, beyond which the The epidemic begins to run again.


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The estimated TR for Marche, calculated as for the other regions on asymptomatic cases in a range of 14 days in the period 8-21 October, was 1.48 yesterday, in line with that of a week ago (1.47 ) and lower than the national average (1.7).

But the trend is increasing: in the mid-October report the RT was at 1.13, on October 8 at 0.91, still in the safe zone. A snapshot, updated six days ago, which still allows Marche not to be included among the 11 regions classified in the Higher Institute of Health report as “high risk of uncontrolled transmission of the disease” (for which more restrictions may apply ) and not even among the eight at moderate risk with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month. All regions except Molise, however, the report stresses, “have reported critical problems.” There would be time in Marche for emergency braking, but the situation is rapidly evolving in a pejorative way. In the last three weeks, the number of infections in Marche has had a geometric progression. 425 cases were diagnosed in the week of October 5 to 11, they almost doubled in the following week (805) and in the latest report from the ministry and ISS -which refers to the week of October 19 to 25- the new positives were exactly doubled (1,610), for an incidence of 106.03 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, double that of the previous report (53.02). And in the days after October 25, the situation worsened, with an average of 436 daily cases.

Also yesterday, the epidemiological curve had a strong upward push from the new positive cases diagnosed, 524 from the examination of 1,968 swabs of the first diagnostic route, with a positivity rate of 26.6%, still very high although lower than that of the previous day (686 positives out of 2,372 tests). With the positives of yesterday, the total in Marche amounts to 13,619, with a daily increase of 4%. The province of Ancona is once again the one with the most infections (220) followed by Macerata (117), Ascoli Piceno (62), Fermo (49) and Pesaro Urbino with 44 cases, while another 32 come from outside the region.

The contagion methods – highlighted in the Health Service bulletin, with the Ars Regional Epidemiological Observatory – derive above all from close contacts with positives (134 cases) or with subjects from the same household (99), while for 71 of the positive the diagnosis began with symptoms. The effect of nightlife still weighs, pending the restrictions to give visible results, with 34 cases attributable to contacts in life-entertainment settings. The other cases arose from the school environment (15), the work environment (12), the care environment (6), while 10 cases arose from the screening of the care path and in another 143 (a high number that testifies to the difficulties of follow-up) epidemiological investigations are still ongoing. The autumn wave of the epidemic continues to put pressure on health facilities. Yesterday there was another jump, with 15 more patients, the total hospitalizations for Covid in the Marches, which rose to 301 despite the 8 discharged in 24 hours. And if during one day the number of patients in intensive care remains unchanged (39), there is a strong increase in admissions in the semi-intensive area, which goes from 52 to 81 (+29) while patients in Non-intensive wards decreased from 195 to 181 (-14). The positives in home isolation amount to 5,000 (from 4,850 to 5,340), while the current positives amount to 5,641, the sum of hospitalized and in isolation, while the large audience of subjects in preventive quarantine after close contact with positive subjects decreases from 9,524 to 9,478.

Faced with this wave of floods, it is unable to follow the trend of cured and discharged, which yesterday amounted to 6,965 (+15). And unfortunately the death toll rises, yesterday 6 in 24 hours, a figure that was not seen since last spring and that brings the total in Marche to 1,019, with an average age of 81 years. These are patients from 74 to 87 years old and all, according to the regional bulletin, had previous illnesses.

