The documents speak, De Micheli and Azzolina the next confinement is their fault – Il Tempo


Francesco Storace

Take a good look at them, those two. They are the object of the dispute and the contributing cause to our problems. The left wants to remove Lucía Azzolina without saying it too loud; The five stars respond with a bang against Paola De Micheli. The bite about school and transportation is tempting for everyone and it doesn’t matter if the Italians have to get the next close, especially for the two sieve ministers. Impossible to forget the television appearances of Giuseppe Conte, recently resurfaced on television screens. The prime minister’s references to the evaluations of the irreducible technical-scientific committee that called to fight the coronavirus with lots of recipes for the government that tolerates them intermittently are unforgettable, but Azzolina and De Micheli were the emblem of rejection. follow the scientific indications given to avoid damage. By now everyone has understood that the main problem is the circulation of viruses in the means of transport and from here to the school. They didn’t care much.

It is enough to read what Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the CTS, said yesterday to the Corriere della Sera: “From April 18 we ask that all measures be used to reduce the peaks in the use of public transport. It was used for schools, “to keep them open and adapt the system to this need.” We went to read them, those minutes and that of August 26 must be shaken under the smiling faces of the government, which still persist in their intolerable positions. Azzolina said it all, but yesterday Paola De Micheli stood out, assuring that the use of public transport, in the last week, had dropped to 50 percent of capacity. An extraordinary mix of rush hours combined with those in which hardly anyone gets on the buses. The Minister of Transport does not realize that not even her predecessor Danilo Toninelli was able to declaim such coldness.

However, it was sufficient to follow the CTS instructions exactly. Starting in April, “the CTS remarked how the entire public transport system -remarked in the minutes of the end of August, letter sings and villan dorme …- should be considered a context of medium-high risk of aggregation, with the possibility high risk at peak times, especially in highly urbanized metropolitan areas. ” Should we add more? These are the dangers, said the scientists who did not convince the ministers: “Large numbers of people concentrated in confined spaces with little ventilation; lack of access control to identify potentially infected people; contact with potentially contaminated surfaces as they are commonly touched (ticket dispensers, handrails, handles, etc.) “.

Azzolina and M5S attack Emiliano: Are the schools closed?  All health blame in Puglia

What to do then? “Put into practice the effective reorganization of public transport.” And “evaluate, for upper secondary schools in large urban centers, a differentiation of the start of classes to contribute to reducing the load on vehicles at peak hours, between 7 and 8.30.” Result: between ministries and regions, each one has done what they want. And the capacity of the bus? Apart from the 80% decided by De Micheli. This is what the CTS said. “Only in situations of absolute necessity”, could “be taken into consideration a filling rate up to a maximum of 75% of the approved capacity of the means of transport”. I have it? Instead, the rule has become an 80 percent no one can control and our children were sent to slaughter on buses, bringing the virus to school and then home. There were precise prescriptions on the use of masks, on the increase of means of transport “also through the use of contingency solutions”, urging the “increase of the routes of public transport vehicles”, the “reorganization of the entrance schedules and leaving school “and also from productive activities. And again: “Separate and differentiated ascent and descent routes for each passenger”. And many other useful guidelines.

None of this has been taken into account. And now even the propaganda campaign against the regions begins: “We gave them 300 million for Tpl, they spent 120”. Well that’s right, tell us who’s missing from Zingaretti, but let’s find out they are crumbs when you spend 120 million on the scooter bonus. They have been incapable since the government, starting with Azzolina and De Micheli. Its insufficiency is obvious to all. If Conte proclaims the new blockade, let’s remember it.
