THE INTERVIEW – The prefect Flavio Ferdani on the situation of Covid in the province. Maximum attention in front of schools and buses. In Tolentino, the mayor signed an order to close three parks and avoid meetings. For tomorrow’s protest summit in Civitanova, “we understand the inconvenience of the merchants. It is a civil initiative and must not degenerate. For flu vaccines, mayors look for ad hoc structures to avoid the risk of contagion. “At this critical moment, a spirit of unity on the part of all may be the solution to hope to get out of it”

The prefect of Macerata Flavio Ferdani
from Gianluca ginella
Greater communication with the mayors, understanding the discomfort of the merchants who in Civitanova announced that they will remain open on Saturday from 6 in the afternoon, presence at the entrance and exit of schools and in means of transport to avoid gatherings and contagion situations , military doctors willing to intervene. in the RSA in case of criticality, ad hoc places where you can get vaccinated against the flu, ordinances (this is the case of Tolentino) to close places at risk of overcrowding and above all “work in the same direction: I believe that the institutional cohesion of everyone is the fundamental element to overcome this moment of emergency. To take stock of the situation regarding the pandemic, it is the prefect of Macerata Flavio Ferdani, in an interview with Cronache Maceratesi.
Cases are growing these days, how is the situation on the health front?

Villa Cozza
“We are in a very delicate phase, probably also this morning’s data (more 205 cases today in the province of positive Covid, ed) confirm a criticality from the point of view of health. At the moment it is still possible to manage this delicate situation. We are also following the RSA issue, where particularly vulnerable patients are present and I have recommended the utmost care. We are working hard to ensure the presence of the Usca, we had a discussion with the representatives of the Armed Forces to send medical continuity of assistance to the RSA. We are talking about military doctors who are already alerted and if necessary will collaborate with the structures.
In Civitanova on Saturday there will be a protest by restaurateurs, owners of bars, who intend to keep open after 18 …

The protest in Civitanova
«I have heard several times with the mayor of Civitanova in recent days and with the commissioner. Tomorrow we will have a meeting and we will pull the strings a bit and define the line of action. I met the president of the Confartigianato, it was a useful discussion. An uncomfortable situation is inevitable. Faced with what is a peaceful and civil protest, one must undoubtedly listen to the reasons of those who represent this category, the concrete support measures that the government has adopted could be a response to help this sector. What we have agreed is that peaceful protest does not degenerate into forms of violence and exasperated violation of the rules ”.
How is the situation in the towns of Macerata?
“There is a constant discussion with the mayors, in particular with those who have the greatest problems because their municipalities have registered the highest number of positives. There is constant collaboration to face this emergency, like the reality of small towns.

Mayor Giuliano Ciabocco
Among these San Ginesio, yesterday the positives were 72 and today they rose to 87 …
“For San Ginesio we met with the mayor on several occasions both by phone and by videoconference, we tried to monitor this criticality, improving communication with the mayors.”
They often complain of not having adequate information from the Asur …
«The mayor must be constantly informed about the number and positive people. I believe that the relationship with mayors must be kept alive on a daily basis, especially at this time. I asked Asur to improve communication so that the mayors are aware of the situation in the area. In its territory it is perfectly adequate for a mayor to have timely information to be able to fulfill his functions. I must say that with the mayors of the territory, the health representatives, the two rectors, both very sensitive and attentive, the police have continuously opened this discussion table to continually exchange critical issues and perhaps identify new measures to improve the situation. institutional relationship between us, and I think it is a procedure that is giving good results.

Mayor Giuseppe Pezzanesi
Did you have any particular request from mayors?
“One thing that the mayor of Tolentino asked me, who identified areas too subject to forms of assembly, he proposed to me and to the police and health facilities to make an ordinance prohibiting their use. He has already adopted it and refers to three parks in the city.
How are the checks going?
“I am at the center of meetings with the police. It seems to me that the awareness of citizens is increasing more and more, at least in the classic requirements: use of the mask, distancing, cleaning hands. About the controls I said to intervene in the transport. I asked the mayors to do everything possible to ensure that there are no crowds in the vehicles. In particular, the mayor of Macerata intervened to increase the number of races. Not only in the media but also in front of the schools.
How is the situation in the schools?
«In the meetings that I have had in recent days I have seen that there is a great effort on the part of the teaching and non-teaching world to apply the criteria present in their protocols. Very often because of the numbers and indications they have given me, the danger is not inside but outside. It shows that work in schools is absolutely useful, this type of work within institutions must be combined with work outside and on means of transport. That is why we work a lot in the entrances and exits of the schools and in the transport ».
Another problem is flu shots …
On vaccines we had a meeting in which the president of the Order of doctors was also present, they are working well and the Asur asked to identify sites for vaccines, which are not the classics such as the doctor’s office, but structures. that allow to avoid crowded situations and this I think is essential.
Are you afraid that there may be a new blockage?
“It is evident that along with the measures that have been adopted there must be responsible behavior on the part of all, this can help to contain the infections and avoid more drastic measures. At a particularly critical moment like this, the spirit of unity of all, against this invisible enemy, may be the solution for the hope of getting out of it ».