CAMPOBASSO. Record day also in Molise, if not for swabs, as nationally, for infections. Of 788 processed in the last 24 hours there are 116 infected, with some important clusters.
Bagnoli del Trigno 1, Bojano 4, Campobasso 14, Campodipietra 1, Cantalupo del Sannio 2, Carovilli 2, Carpinone 1, Casacalenda 2, Casalcipriano 1, Castelpetroso 1, Castropignano 1, Cerro al Volturno 3, Colletorto 1, Ferrazzano 2, Frosolone 1 , Isernia 3, Jelsi 1, Larino 18 (of which 17 in prison), Macchia d’Isernia 2, Macchia Val Fortore 1, Montaquila 1, Palata 1, Riccia 12, Ripalimosani 2, Rocchetta al Volturno 1, San Martino in Pensilis 1, Sant’Elia a Pianisi 1, Sesto Campano 1, Termoli 5 (known group), Vinchiaturo 29 (of which 26 in the nursing home).
There are 16 cured today: 2 in Termoli, 1 Montenero di Bisaccia, 5 Isernia, 3 Forli del Sannio, 1 Macchia d’Isernia, 1 Monteroduni, 1 Sesto Campano, 1 Larino, 1 Campobasso.
There are 4 new admissions to the Cardarelli Infectious Diseases Department in Campobasso, 1 patient from Bojano, 1 from Bagnoli del Trigno, 1 from Chiauci, 1 from Larino.
1 Castelpetroso patient hospitalized, on the other hand, in the intensive care unit.
1 patient from Cantalupo nel Sannio transferred from the Infectious Diseases service to the Intensive Care Unit.
Also from infectious diseases, 4 patients were discharged: 1 from Termoli, 1 from Montenero di Bisaccia, 1 from Venafro and 1 from Casalciprano.
The Cardarelli hospital in “Campobasso”, a regional center for covid, houses 24 patients. 18 in the infectious disease ward and 6 in the intensive care unit.
Currently positive cases in the region amount to 973.
The subjects isolated by Asrem amount from 943 yesterday to 993 today.
17 cases of contagion registered in the Larino prison.
To date, the municipalities of Molise where there are still positive subjects are 77 out of 136 in the region, compared to 93 where at least one case of Covid-19 contagion occurred during the health emergency.
181 cases of contagion in Isernia. 97 Castelpetroso.
Campobasso 74 with still positive patients.
48 cases continue in Bojano.
36 to Venafro. 35 Colletorto.
34 Vinchiaturo.
32 to Termoli
24 Larino. 22 Riccia
18 peaches. 17 Sant’Agapito and Macchia D’Isernia.
15 Oratino.
13 Montenero di Bisaccia and San Martino in Pensilis
12 Toro, Cerro al Volturno.
11 Forli del Sannio
10 Cantalupo nel Sannio, Monteroduni, Sesto Campano and Colli a Volturno ,.
9 Pettoranello del Molise, Guglionesi.
8. Montaquila.
7 Ferrazzano. 6 Santa Maria del Molise, Carovilli.
5 in Portocannone, Casalciprano, Casacalenda, Carpinone, Sant’Elia a Pianisi and Agnone.
4 Fornelli, Macchiagodena, Ripalimosani, Petacciato.
3 in Baranello, Mirabello Sannitico, Frosolone, Jelsi, Colle D’Anchise, Gambatesa.
2 Roccamandolfi, Bonefro, Busso, Rionero Sannitico, Salcito, Roccasicura, Santa Croce di Magliano, Palata, Castropignano, Pozzilli, Poggio Sannita.
1 case in Conca Casale, Duronia, Longano, Montenero Val Cocchiara, Chiauci, Miranda, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, San Polo Matese, Scapoli, Cercemaggiore, Campochiaro, Lucito, Castelmauro, Castelpizzuto, Montagano, Pietrabbondante, Campomarino, Bagnoli del Campo Trigietranotra , Macchia Val Fortore, Rocchetta al Volturno.
These are the data from the Official Asrem Gazette. The proportion of Covid-19 positives rises to 1,614 cases compared to 58,819 processed swabs, of which 4,229 control swabs were processed over the entire period.
The situation of covid-19 patients and those admitted to hospitals and accredited private facilities is as follows:
– 1614 complete cases in the Region, 973 cases of Covid-19 positivity in Campobasso province, 618 in Isernia province, and 23 with patients from outside the region.
-24 hospitalized in the “Cardarelli” center of Campobasso Covid-19 in the Region: 18 in the infectious diseases department, 11 in the province of Campobasso, 6 in the province of Isernia, 1 outside the region.
6 in the intensive care unit: 5 in the province of Isernia and 1 in the province of Campobasso
– 0 positive patients in accredited private health establishments.
– 766 asymptomatic positive subjects at home, 290 in the province of Campobasso, 476 in the province of Isernia and 0 in other regions.
– 3 asymptomatic patients in the Portocannone nursing home
– 12 asymptomatic patients discharged. 7 from the province of Campobasso and 5 from the province of Isernia. These are people in recovery waiting for the double negative swab.
– 680 the number of certified recovered patients, 549 in the province of Campobasso, 111 in the province of Isernia and 20 in other regions. These are patients who, when the symptoms disappeared, the control swabs, that is, the double swab in 24 hours, were performed and both tested negative.
– 32 people have died since the beginning of the emergency, 20 from Campobasso province, 10 from Isernia province and 2 from another region.
– 874 home visits made by the USCA (Special Continuity Care Units). 336 USCA from Bojano with positives in home isolation in Campobasso province, 286 USCA from Venafro with positives in home isolation in Isernia province and 252 USCA from Larino with positives in isolation in Bajo Molise area.
There are 993 people in isolation and 0 subjects under surveillance throughout the region, these are asymptomatic people who have not yet been tested for Covid-19 but who have been in contact with people who have tested positive.
According to the contagion map provided by Asrem, the cases are located in 95 municipalities out of 136 in the Molise Region, the registered residence of the infected subjects is taken into account and also the guests who tested positive in the Agnone retirement home are attributed to the municipality of residence:
352 Campobasso. 213 Isernia.
109 Termoli.
100 Castelpetroso. 63 Bojano. 48 Venafro.
37 Vinchiaturo. 36 Larino. 35 Colletorto.
30 Montenero di Bisaccia, Riccia.
29 Cercemaggiore.
21 peaches. 20 Ferrazzano.
19 Sant’Agapito.
18 Forli del Sannio, Macchia d’Isernia, Toro and Campomarino
17 Oratino, San Martino in Pensilis.
16 Belmonte del Sannio, Portocannone
15 Agnone. 14 Guglionesi.
13 Monteroduni and Baranello. 12 Cerro al Volturno. 11 Sesto Campano
10 Colli al Volturno, Cantalupo nel Sannio, Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Montaquila and Ripalimosani.
9 Colle D’Anchise, Carovilli, Pettoranello del Molise, Mirabello Sannitico.
8 Gambatesa, Pozzilli, Poggio Sannita.
7 Campochiaro, Casacalenda, Santa Croce di Magliano, Petacciato, Macchiagodena.
6 Campolieto, Santa Maria del Molise, Filignano.
5 Fornelli, Casalciprano, San Carpinone.
4 Montagano, Jelsi, Roccamandolfi, Giacomo degli Schiavoni.
3 contacts in Castropignano, Palata, Frosolone, Ururi.
With 2 cases, the municipalities of Petrella Tifernina, Busso, Bonefro, Salcito, Scapoli, Roccasicura, Campodipietra, Rocchetta a Volturno, Rionero Sannitico.
1 case instead for San Giuliano del Sannio, Guardiaregia, San Giovanni in Galdo *, Castellino del Biferno, Monacilioni, Civitanova del Sannio, Guardialfiera, Rotello, Tavenna, Sant’Elena Sannita, San Massimo, Ripabottoni, Montenero Val Cocchiara, Sessano del Molise, Duronia, Montefalcone nel Sannio, Conca Casale, Longano, Chiauci, Miranda, San Polo Matese, Lucito, Castelmauro, Castelpizzuto, Pietrabbondante, Bagnoli del Trigno, Macchia Val Fortore.
* It would not have been confirmed by the second swab.