TRENTO. exist 9,148 almost me 500 deaths in Trentino forCoronavirus emergency, Am 6,982 those recovered from the start of the emergency and 1,666 current positives. Unfortunately, 3 deaths were reported (one RSA guest) between Mezzolombardo, Riva del Garda and Rovereto. The balance is 29 deaths in 20 days and 30 victims in this second wave of Covid-19 (here article).
exist 118 people in the hospitals of Trento and Rovereto, 9 patients They are located in the neighborhood of intensive care and 8 in High intensity. In the last 24 hours they have found 173 positives based on the analysis of 3,132 molecular swabs for a 5.5% infection / swab ratio.
Among the newly infected, 98 people have symptoms. In addition, 3 cases are between 0 and 5 years old, 11 between 6 and 15 years old and 59 are 70 years or older. Today 18 new positivities of children and young people of school age have been found, the health authorities are in the process of reconstruction to understand any quarantine measure. Yesterday there were 147 classes in isolation. There is concern about the increase in the average age of those infected (here article), while the APSS prepares a reorganization of the system (here article).
There are 62 new positives to Trento leading to 1,688 cases since the beginning of the epidemic. To these are added 10 infections by Rovereto (460 cases). There are 7 infections in Riva del Garda (226 cases) and Arc (418 almost).
There are 5 infections by Ticino Castle (13 almost), 4 a Ville d’Anaunia (64 almost), 3 a Pergine (507 almost), Borgo Valsugana (78 cases) and Predaia (53 almost).
There are 2 infections a Mezzolombardo (141 almost), Levico (181 almost), Cles (127 almost), Baselga di Pinè (125 almost), Dig (100 almost), tion (85 almost), To (75 almost), Male (53 almost), Plateau of Vigolana (44 almost), Civezzano (41 almost), Clearance (37 almost), Calliano (27 almost), Drains (17 cases) e All right (6 almost).
And 1 more positive Lavis (212 almost), Ledro (176 almost), Dro (111 almost), Bleggio Superiore (87 almost), Vermilion (80 almost), Giudicarie saddle (78 almost), I died (76 almost), Cavedine (68 almost), Tesero (64 almost), Castello-Molina di Fiemme (61 almost), Brentonico (60 almost), San Michele all’Adige (60 almost), Caldonazzo (51 almost), Villas of Fiemme (51 almost), Names (38 almost), Novella (37 almost), Castel Ivano (30 almost), Plane (29 almost), Terre d’Adige (28 almost), They fly (28 almost), Aldeno (25 almost), Peio (24 almost), Ziano di Fiemme (22 almost), Tre Ville (21 almost), Villa Lagarina (20 almost), San Lorenzo Dorsino (19 almost), Capriana (17 almost), Commezzadura (17 almost), Grigno (17 almost), Terzolas (14 almost), Livo (12 almost), Caldes (9 almost), Novaledo (9 almost), Castelnuovo (5 almost), Canvas-Lases (3 almost), Ronzone (3 almost), Luserna (1 box). There are 4 cases to be assigned.
Contagion rates. A Pellizzano 8.5% of the population was infected, while a Pieve di Bono-Prezzo 7% follow Churches of Borgo 6.6%. So Campitello di Fassa (6.2%), Bleggio Superiore (5.7%), Canazei (5.1%), Vermilion (4.4%), Mazzin (4.3%) Cembra Lisignago (4%), Ledro (3.3%), Predazzo (3.2%), Clearance, Canal San Bovo me Carzano (3%), Capriana me Drains (2.9%), Giustino, Valdaone, Names, San Giovanni di Fassa me Storo (2.8%), Cavedago me Giudicarie saddle (2.7%), Pinzolo me Castello-Molina di Fiemme (2.6%).
Still Caderzone Terme me Baselga di Pinè (2.5%), Dig me Male (2.4%), Soraga di Fassa, tion, Mezzocorona, Lavis, Cavedine me Arc (2.3%), Besenello, Dro, Terzolas me Levico (2.2%), Tesero me Altavalle (2.1%), Villas of Fiemme, Sant’Orsola, Cis, Bedollo me Bondone (2%). The provincial rate is around 1.6%. TO Trento 1.4% is recorded, Rovereto 1.1%, Riva del Garda 1.3% e Pergine 2.4%.
The total balance in Trentino due to the emergency is 500 deaths. TO Trento There have been 50 victims since the emergency began, 35 to Pergine, 34 ad Arc, 33 to Rovereto, 30 to Ledro. There are 20 dead to Predazzo, 18 Riva del Garda, 17 to Mezzolombardo, 16 to Dro and 13 a Cavedine me Pieve di Bono-Prezzo, 12 a Pellizzano, 11 a Lavis, 10 a Baselga di Pinè, Borgo churches me Names.