Schools in Apulia closed, Azzolina to Emiliano: “Reopen them immediately”


Altolà of the minister Lucia azzolina in the closure of schools in Puglia. Azzolina communicates her disagreement with the governor’s election Michele Emiliano that yesterday announced the cessation of activity in the institutes of Apulia, with the exception of those of children.

Puglia closes schools. Emiliano: “The increase in infections coincided with the return to school”

«The Puglia region – says Azzolina on Facebook – has suspended the educational activities in the presence, defining the number of infections as” impressive “. However, based on what you told us, there are 417 students who tested positive (out of a student population of 562,000). The same Region later admitted that the problem is not actually the spread of the virus within schools but the organization of regional health work. Schools reopen as soon as possible, avoiding serious consequences, present and future, for students and families ”.

«In these hours the messages of discouragement, disappointment and bitterness overwhelm me. The Apulian school community in recent months has worked hard to prepare the schools for reopening – adds the minister – showing a spirit of sacrifice and responsibility. The same that today is required of all institutional actors so as not to deprive girls and boys of moments of sociability, study, commitment and growth.

Bellanova: “The government defies the Puglia resolution”

“The closure of the school is a great disaster and should shake the wrists veins, the choice of Puglia is perverse. I believe that the government must challenge these resolutions, the school cannot be closed knowing that it is not the source of the spread of Covid: the transport problem must be addressed, “emphasized Teresa Bellanova, Minister of Agricultural Policies of Apulia, in statements to 24Mattino on Radio 24.

The Apulian Democratic Party: “Right Emilian Decision”

«It is not easy to be in charge of a Region at this very complex moment. Michele Emiliano and Pierluigi Lopalco are called to make tough decisions every day. They do it with a great spirit of service “and” this is what Emiliano did yesterday with the painful decision to close all the schools in Puglia. The president explained in detail the assessment that is the basis of this provision. This was supported by the secretary of Pd Puglia, deputy Marco Lacarra. «Nobody – continues – denies the great work done by the school community to strengthen the structures and resume teaching activities in presence. But at the same time it cannot be denied that this extraordinary effort is not enough: it is not enough because a dozen infections in a school, multiplied by several institutions, are enough to undermine the most powerful weapon we have against the virus, namely, the virus. follow-up. “” In fact, it is clear to all – he continues – how the health system, already heavily tested, has been facing for weeks the additional stress test of having to clean up a flood of suspected cases to detect manifested symptoms, but especially for close contacts people who tested positive. “” Right now – he concludes – a few weeks of distance learning can make a difference, helping the health system save lives. DaD is not, as many say, a tragedy. “

The intervention of Minister Bonetti

Speaking at the webinar of the cycle “Forced to grow” entitled “Resilience, competence, competitiveness: growth is female” broadcast this morning live on, the Minister of the Family Elena Bonett also highlighted that at this time of emergency due to the growth of Covid infections it is “wrong to choose to close schools”. Bonetti was particularly critical of the governors who decided to completely close schools. “It was wrong in the first place – he explained – because we have no scientific data that the spread of the virus passes or has passed through schools. The institutes this summer have been organized through extraordinary work. Bonetti then emphasized the need to recognize feminine skills and smart work, which should not be just working from home, but a more efficient organization.

Puglia closes schools. Emiliano: “The increase in infections coincided with the return to school, at the end of November we will have 2,500 a day”

Puglia closes schools. “We had to make a difficult decision, that of suspending face-to-face teaching in all schools of all levels,” announced the president of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, on Sky Tg24 during the broadcast “I numbers della Pandemia”. Dad’s students in the connection test.

Last updated: 14:19

