Immuni is born, the only national call center for the application


ROME – Never again left to themselves after the Immuni notification. This is the purpose of the specific national call center, established by the Ristori decree, now in the Official Gazette. It responds to a problem that many users of this application had complained about: after receiving the notification, which warned them of a risky contact with a person infected by the virus, they were forced to pursue their doctor to find out what to do; and if he was not available or not informed about what to do, it triggered panic.

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Not only that: the call center will also play a role for virus-positive immune users, whose key codes must be uploaded to the healthcare system. These codes allow the application to alert all Immune users who have been in contact with the infected person at risk. In this case, the call center seems to respond to another problem, the main one in the race for tracing, found in recent weeks: health facilities (Asl, Usl, Ats and the family doctors themselves) often neglected the upload these codes to the system. with the result of blocking contagion tracking activity.

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The call center will be activated at the Ministry of Health. “A national telephone and telematic support service for people who have tested positive for the SARS-Cov-2 virus, who have had close or casual contact with subjects who tested positive or who received an alert notification through the ‘Immune’ application” , law in decree. Therefore, all “close contacts” can call the call center, even those who are manually tracked and not just those who receive the relative notification from Immuni.

However, it is clear that the decree is designed especially for the latter. The text continues to refer to the subjects “whose data is made accessible to load the key code in the presence of a positive case. For this, the data relating to cases diagnosed with the SARS-Cov-2 virus are made available to the aforementioned service. national, also through the health card system or through interoperability systems ”.

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Once the tipping point has been decided, the problem at this point is timing. The minister can choose – read the text – whether to delegate the organization and operation of the service to the extraordinary emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri or to do so with his own decree. In a previous draft of the decree only this second possibility was contemplated.
One million euros are allocated to the call center for 2020 and 3 million for 2021.

In the published decree, paragraph two is absent (jump directly from the first to the third). In an earlier draft, this missing paragraph read: “For contact tracing to be effective through the use of the Immuni app, the service operators mentioned in paragraph 1 (the call center, ed) access the Immuni central system to upload the key code in the presence of a positive case. For this, the laboratories that diagnose cases of positivity to the SARS-Cov-2 virus communicate the same to the health card system that makes these data available to the aforementioned national service.

In summary, in the skipped paragraph, in addition to being an implicit criticism of effectiveness (“to make the immune system effective”), the direct role of the call center in loading the codes was more explicit. The current text, corrected, speaks instead of an “availability” of data in the call center; In short, it seems to avoid circumventing the role of local health in loading positive user data and explicitly entrusts the call center with only the role of managing notified users. For the details of the operation, however, it will be necessary to wait for the decree of the ministry or the intervention of the extraordinary commissioner.

The truth is that with the call center the government recognizes the need for dedicated assistance to immune users, in light of the numerous problems encountered. Those of the lack of loading of the keys were denounced, in various interventions to the press, by the same undersecretaries of the ministry Pierpaolo Sileri and Sandra Zampa. The creator of Bending Spoons, in an interview with Republic, suggested the creation of a national call center. On the other hand, a proposal also advanced by other experts in recent months, based on the call center created in Germany for the German app (similar to Immuni) and for which the government had immediately allocated one million euros.
