Sicilia, approved by the board the bill of exceptions to the closures. Musumeci: “I assume full powers, but the last yes is missing”


In the end, everything went according to plan. Following the maneuver of Minister Francesco Boccia, who yesterday afternoon anticipated the desire to challenge any exception to the Sicilian one, the regional government chooses the line of the framework law: a norm that, as he explains Republic In the newsstands, he had matured yesterday during a meeting with a delegation of restaurateurs from Palermo, received by the president of the Region Nello Musumeci immediately before the meeting. Which, in the afternoon, approved a law that grants the governor the power to “adjust the resumption of economic activities to the actual advance of contagion on the island.” In other words, full powers, also with respect to Rome: exceptions both restrictively, as is already allowed, and with the extension, which is instead prohibited.

Musumeci, therefore, is ready to challenge Rome. But he denies it: “In Sicily,” said the president of the Region, whose orientation is to close at 11 at night, we are applying the same principle adopted by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano last May that ensures respect for the values constitutional laws of subsidiarity and loyal collaboration. Therefore, anyone who speaks of a ‘clash’ with the State is only in bad faith. We are all aware of the difficult times that await us and of the need to contain the spread of the virus, but we also assume the responsibility of anticipating and accompanying the restart to better respond to the specific needs of the Sicilian territory ”.

The text comes after a day full of distinctions. The councilor for productive activities Girolamo Turano, for example, continued speaking yesterday afternoon of “full collaboration” with Rome: “I am convinced – said the representative of the Udc – that the Regions and specifically the Sicilian Region have all the credentials build, in the spirit of full collaboration with the central government, measures that take into account specific territorial needs. ”His party partner Danilo Lo Giudice, for his part, launched the attack at the same time, evoking the need for a ordinance: “We can not leave our entrepreneurs in disarray for another 15 days, while continuing to mock Sicilians – he says. – an invoice takes no less than 15-20 days. The ordinance would take effect immediately and is the only plausible concrete response. “

The point is precisely the time factor. The next session of the Ars is scheduled for November 3: in the unlikely event that the law was approved that same day, it would be necessary to wait until the next day for its publication in the Official Gazette and then 15 days for its entry into force. . The calendar, at that time, would already be November 19, five days before the expiration of the Dpcm. The law, however, already sees an opening from living Italy, a party that formally opposes it: “Welcome – says the leader of the group Nicola D’Agostino – a law that, by making us assume responsibilities, makes us more independent. Our agenda was aimed not to lose sight of all the interests at stake and to address problems with intelligence and maturity ”.

The text is divided into 4 articles. The key article is the first: “To reconcile the protection of freedoms and fundamental rights of people with the need to counteract and contain the spread of the virus – we read – in the territory of the Sicilian Region, the exercise and recovery The gradual economic, productive, cultural, recreational, sports and social relations activity is governed, based on the epidemiological trend and, in any case, within the limits of the general principles and interests that are reported in the State legislation ” . The article specifies that the activities “are conditioned by the rigorous and responsible observance of the security measures established by current guidelines or, failing that, by national protocols.” Article 2, on the other hand, is the heart of the provision: “at the end of the state of emergency – it states – the activities referred to in the first article are governed by specific order of the President of the Region, having heard the opinion of the Committee Technical-Scientific and on condition that compliance with hygienic-sanitary measures can be guaranteed “.
