Accident at the crossing: two cars and three people involved (two boys, 28 and 29 and a young woman, 21) ended up in the hospital, in the emergency room. It all happened on Wednesday between Via Apollonio and Via Lombroso in Brescia: a stretch of road known for its many accidents.
The two cars, a Ford and a Jeep, collided at around 8.15pm, in front of a local bar: a loud roar, then ambulance and fire brigade sirens drew neighbors onto the street. And the scene they faced was horrifying: After the collision, the Ford actually ended up on wheels in the middle of the road and a few meters from the crosswalk.
When the alarm went off, Firefighters arrived on the scene: they helped the occupants of the Ford out of the cabin and then entrusted them to the care of the 118 health workers. The worst was feared, the alarm sounded in code red. , but it does not seem anything serious: two of the three boys were transported aboard a car berth to the Civile and the City Hall of Brescia and then to be hospitalized in code yellow and green.
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The dynamics of the accident are being examined by the Local Police of Brescia who dealt with the ritual findings: one thing is certain, at the origin of the accident there is a lack of precedence.