South Tyrol, which in recent days has followed a softer line for restaurants and cinemas, will apply a crackdown on Saturday to limit the spread of the coronavirus that will go “beyond the last Dpcm.” This was announced by Governor Arno Kompatscher after an extraordinary session of the provincial government. “I do not withdraw the order, but in light of the epidemiological trend the situation is overcome. We are moving in line with Germany and Austria, ”said the president.
“We must intervene now and take advantage of the school vacation week in South Tyrol, to safeguard work and the main economic activities and school,” added Kompatscher who, however, did not want to anticipate the measures, which will be made public in the next hours. He limited himself to saying that the restrictions will refer mainly to “free time and risk situations”. In some municipalities, even stricter measures are in sight.
Yesterday there was a demonstration against the restrictions in Bolzano. A hundred people gathered at night for a sit-in against anti-Covid measures in Piazza Vittoria in Bolzano. Some of the protesters Casapound exponents, but also local exhibitors. The protest proceeded in an orderly manner, without incident.
Today the Sayings of Bolzano sent a crime report to the Public Ministry, against unknown persons, for the violation of article 18 of the Consolidated Law of Public Security due to the lack of notification to the Police Headquarters by the promoters of the demonstration against government measures, in contrast to the Covid-19, held last night in the Piazza della Vittoria in Bolzano.
Investigations are also ongoing, including by examining video images and photographs taken by forensic police during the event. Postal police are also investigating the origin of the messages from the sit-in that appeared on the web.
The political reactions were immediate: “Today’s statements by Governor Arno Kompatscher, who announced that South Tyrol will adhere to restrictive measures implemented by other governments, are extremely serious. The League dissociates itself. This was stated by the leader of the Italian Brothers group in the Chamber, Francesco Lollobrigida.
«The SVP, in a moment of weakness and fragility of this nation of ours, throws its mask and looks to Vienna and Berlin as a reference, rather than Rome. They must be isolated as energetically condemned, without buts or buts, the political and cultural signal they want to convey. These people are betraying Italy and must be considered as such ”, concludes Lollobrigida.
The right attacks Kompatscher. “The statements with which President Kompatscher expresses his intention to align himself with Austria and Germany in the tightening of anti-Covid measures are very serious, irresponsible and unacceptable.” This was stated by the Provincial Councilor of the Brothers of Italy, Alessandro Urzì.
“The decision to retract the decisions taken just a few days ago in open defiance of the State – Urzì adds – is the result of the evident defiance of the Kompatscher order for violating the constitutional limits between the powers of the Province and the State.” “Now, faced with the challenge of the beginning – continues the FdI councilor – Kompatscher and the silent councilors of the League who just three days ago laughed saying that they had saved extended hours and open cinemas, decide, in open defiance of Italy, to align themselves with the Austrian and German protocols, which are heavier than the national ones.
“Instead of pursuing an absurd and irresponsible ideological action that mimics Catalonia, Kompatscher and his councilors tell us more about the measures implemented to help our economy, our merchants, our gym owners and all other affected businesses. », Urzì concludes. (HANDLE).
THE CONTAGION SITUATION – Two deaths and a series of new infections that exceed 300, today in the province of Bolzano. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the South Tyrol health authority made 2,566 swabs. 298 new positive cases were registered.
Coronavirus: 2,566 swabs and 298 new positive cases (Photo: 123rf)
At the provincial level to date (October 29), a total of 227,707 smears have been performed on 117,659 people.
The numbers in brief:
Swabs made yesterday (Oct 28): 2,566
New positive cases: 298
Number of people who tested positive for coronavirus: 7,485
Total number of swabs performed: 227,707
Number of people examined: 117,659 (+1,203)
Covid-19 patients admitted to normal hospital wards: 133
Covid-19 Patients Admitted to Affiliated Private Facilities: 60
Patients with Covid-19 in isolation at the Colle Isarco facilities: 42
Number of Covid patients admitted to intensive care units: 15
Total deaths (including nursing homes): 306 (+2)
People in home isolation: 7,313 (of which 7 returned from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have completed quarantine and home isolation: 26,859 (of which 1,529 return from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have so far been imposed mandatory quarantine or isolation measures: 34,172
People healed: 2,962 (+0). To these are added 941 (+3) people who underwent a test with an uncertain or unclear result and who subsequently tested negative twice. Total: 3,903 (+3)
Positive test collaborators of the health authority: 314, 231 recovered
Positive general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice: 17 (15 recovered)