“Covid vaccine for everyone next fall”


Zangrillo: Covid vaccine for everyone next fall

“Sooner or later the anti-Covid vaccine will arrive, some companies will put it on the market, but there are criteria to be respected: it must be safe, effective and available to the entire population and not just a small and insufficient piece, otherwise it is useless . So those who know more than I think that it still takes a long time for this, and that it could probably be useful and usable on a large scale only next fall. “Thus, Alberto Zangrillo, head of anesthesia and resuscitation at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and vice-rector of the Vita-Salute university, guest of #ilcafFLEdelmercoledi, broadcast on the social networks of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation.

“So for electoral reasons, like abroad, someone says they have the vaccine in their pocket before November 3 … but that’s another story,” he jokes.

According to Zangrillo, “preparing for a pandemic phenomenon requires two fundamental things: one is the ability to organize ourselves from a cultural and knowledge point of view in order to provide answers, the other is the fundamental one of having a structured health system, and ours health service is not. ” Then he supports the need to “undertake as soon as possible a structured, financed and multi-year strategic plan, to provide progressive responses to all our deficiencies.”

The lack of preparation of our health service, he stresses, “is not the fault of this government or the previous one, but of the history of Italian politics in the last 30-40 years in which we have always tried to give financial support to initiatives that We were unable to control its development. That is why there has been an increasing distancing from health services: it is useless to deny that the North is different from the South “.

And in the Covid emergency “we are not prepared – he maintains – because above all the structure of the local health system is lacking. When people arrive at the hospital it is because they do not find answers in the previous stages.” “But bringing the system to an optimal level takes years and one summer is not enough.”

And in the swabs: “Taking a random swab ‘to feel comfortable or’ because I have a fever line ‘does not make sense. The swab is used to draw, it is useful for useful evidence for isolated groups, social nuclei or families.”

“I am a witness – reports Zangrillo – of hundreds of people who after having tested negative on the swab, after a couple of hours or days were no longer in the same conditions and meanwhile they had not behaved with criteria, loosening the protection measures towards oneself and others. That is why, as always, mine is a call to common sense and the proper use of health resources when they are lacking and especially when we expose those who really need them to the risk of not being able to use them ”.

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