The relationship that could lead Milan and Naples to the confinement


Editorial Board
29 October 2020 08:13

A report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on the situation of the coronavirus emergency in Milan and Naples is expected for the weekend. And while the mayor of the Milanese capital Beppe Sala speaks often, most of the time losing the opportunity to remain silent, those numbers will show the institutions the way to the two cities: remain in this phase of “soft” closures or fall into a confinement that could last 15 or 20 days.

The relationship that could lead Milan and Naples to the confinement

Meanwhile, Health Minister Roberto Speranza sent a letter to Sala and De Magistris, following the words of his consultant Walter Ricciardi who had spoken of the necessary closure for the two metropolitan areas. Corriere della Sera says that Speranza pointed out to the first two citizens that the testing system is unable to cope with the increase in infections and the monitoring system “signals a clear trend that requires maximum attention at the national level.”

“The Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the control room can prepare a specific focus on the cities of Milan and Naples that will be made available to interested regions and municipalities,” the letter says. ” The epidemiological situation in the country – writes Speranza – has worsened in the last 4 weeks. The monitoring system in which the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, the Ministry of Health and representatives of the conference of the regions formally participate, indicates a clear trend that requires the greatest attention from all institutional levels – highlights – All data processed are transmitted punctually to the regions and are organized at the regional and provincial level ”

Meanwhile, yesterday De Magistris released the beans on One day at Sheep: “I think that, if there is no immediate deceleration of the exponential curve, the blockage is a matter of days, I don’t know how many. It depends on what the structures tell us. techniques, the mayor is not a virologist, at least I am not and not even Sala, “said the former prosecutor, recalling that” there are structures called Higher Institute of Health, Scientific Technical Committee, National Civil Protection and Regional Civil Protection, regional crisis units, that they should inform us promptly instead of announcing measures in the press. I would say: less explosive words and more institutional collaboration. What puzzles me a bit is that we are seeing a bit of the images of 7 or 8 months ago, this improvisation left us a little perplexed. “

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For the mayor, the situation of the infections registered in recent days in Naples “arouses a lot of concern. We would need an immediate table between the government, the Campania region and the city of Naples, but I think the same happens with Lombardy and Milan” . De Magistris dismisses the hypothesis that the City Council may think about arranging a closure “because – he says – for Naples and Milan it is unthinkable. My idea is to decide together, if they want to do it. This decision cannot be made by a mayor alone.” Also because then it should take responsibility.

The plan for the confinement in Italy as of November 9 (denied by the government?)
