“At present, the epidemic is worsening rapidly and is compatible, at the national level, with the type 3 scenario described in the study, with a higher rate of progression in some Italian regions.“. Giuseppe Conte This is how he justifies his latest Dpcm, which has unleashed countless reactions from merchants and the opposition, to which are also added the complaints of the governors of the Regions and even many representatives of the majority of Giallorossi. He argues that the measures were not taken “according to a purely arbitrary criterion“, specifying that there has been no intention to benefit certain activities at the expense of others.”The set of measures must be evaluated in unit and global terms“, he specified. Therefore, we will have to wait two weeks to evaluate the effects of the new regulations.
He reiterates that the decree sees the need to keep the epidemiological curve under control and mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus as a basis: “With smart work and the use of distance education in secondary schools, we hope to reduce meeting opportunities and lighten the influx of transportation during the day.“. But the problem of transport it is increasingly concrete. Despite this, the government has not taken all the associated dangers seriously. The premier himself admitted that there is a “objective difficulty in ensuring that distancing rules are always respected by all usersMeanwhile, the government has confirmed the establishment of permanent operational roundtables for the resolution of more critical situations. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport undertakes to act quickly to strengthen controls and constant monitoring:In the next budget law you will find more resources“.
What is the type 3 scenario?
Next, the lawyer explained what is meant by type 3 scenario. During these days, the dissent of most of the country has become evident with fists against bars, restaurants, pubs, gyms and swimming pools. The Prime Minister, speaking in House Question Time, defended himself by questioning the Scientific-technical committee, to which the Minister of Health sent the draft of the latest Dpcm urging experts to comment on the substance of the specific measures. With report number 121, delivered a few hours later that day, the Committee “after extensive analysis, share the provisions of the text“And he also made some limited observations.”that the government has substantially implementedFaced with a possible autumn resumption of the circulation of the virus, the Higher Institute of Health (with the Ministry of Health, with the Conference of the Regions and with other national research organizations) has published the document “Prevention and response to Covid -19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the autumn-winter transition phase ”, which includes the different modulations of the possible measures to be adopted in relation to the evolution of epidemiological scenarios.
Regarding the type 3 scenario, the study in question indicates interventions such as interruption “Some social / cultural activities are at higher risk, like discos and bars, even every hour.“promoting smart work”to reduce crowding of public transport and workplaces“, stepped distance education for schools and a series of closures temporary “based on the number of suspected cases in the individual school community“If the high-risk situation persists, it would be necessary to create increasingly aggressive containment rules. To all this, Conte explains, the government has joined in the adoption of the Dpcm.”
“Avoid widespread lockdown”
Conte has said it several times: absolutely another blockade must be avoided throughout the national territory. He repeated it again in the Chamber. Public health must certainly be protected, but still shutting down all Italians at home would mean to damage to a greater extent the economy of our country. Therefore, the economic fabric of Italy must be absolutely preserved: “Reducing the possibilities of contagion at this time represents the only possibility we have, on the one hand, of allowing the health system to be maintained, on the other hand, avoiding a generalized blockade.“A scenario that would be dramatic. Hence the choice to tighten the rules already in force, precisely to manage the pandemic”without overwhelming me“.
Yesterday afternoon the Council of Ministers approved the Ristori decree, adding new activities and new categories of workers to the list of those who will be entitled to state aid. The prime minister in the House was unbalanced at the time: “The method chosen for delivery is the one that has proven to be the fastest in recent months. For those who had requested the contributions of the Relaunch will be automatically disbursed to the current account, we trust to November 15Activities that had not previously requested contributions can also request the new relief with disbursement before December 15. Overall, the bill contains interventions for 5.4 billion in terms of net debt: “Among these is a contribution to background lost aimed at the activities most affected by the new restrictions and companies in the sectors subject to the new restrictions will receive a snack with the same procedure already used by the Tax Agency, in relation to the contributions provided for by the Relaunch decree“.
On the other hand, for companies with a turnover of more than 5 million euros, soft drinks “it is equal to 10% of the decrease in turnover and the maximum ceiling is equal to 150 thousand eurosInterventions have also been prepared to strengthen the health response, with resources starting at 30 million euros per tampons fast with doctors and pediatricians. “At the time I speak to you, I believe that the renewal of the category contract has been announced that will facilitate, among the inserted clauses, the involvement of general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice in the administration of tampons“, He concluded.