the crisis unit was established in Brescia


The intention is to carefully monitor the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the Brescia area, even if, for now at least, our province appears to be resisting the impact of the second wave of Covid-19. The contagion figures, although increasing, are decidedly lower than those registered in other areas of Lombardy, but local institutions have already taken steps to better manage the situation.

On Tuesday, Prefect Attilio Visconti installed a permanent crisis unit that will be operational until the end of the pandemic. A working group led by the manager of civil protection and that includes the different health organizations in the area –including the Ats and socio-sanitary companies– the police, firefighters, rescuers from Areu, the Province and Municipality of Brescia .

The aim is to allow the prefecture to be constantly updated on the provincial trend of the epidemic, especially with regard to hospital pressure. “The objective is to have an always up-to-date panorama of the situation, in particular on the state of hospitalizations, intensive care in the provincial territory, the offer of Dpi, the coordination of interventions in support of the activities of Areu and in general of medical aids “, reads an official note.

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