“Situation of sustained and generalized transmissibility with risks of the health system in the medium term”, is the report that Prime Minister Conte has made today on the situation of infections in Italy. A description of what is definitive as Scenario 3, citing the CTS study.
Currently, Italy is at the lowest level of scenario 3, which foresees four degrees, although the hypothesis is that it is going towards a worsening. In Scenario 3, prepared by Iss and Cts, the regional values of Rt are between 1.25 and 1.5, figures within which it is possible to limit only modestly the transmission potential of covid with ordinary and extraordinary containment measures.
In the first subclassification of Scenario 3, the objective is to contain and suppress the outbreaks through tests, isolation of close and risky contacts, screening of some categories of the population.
As for precautions, the best known have already been listed: remote, personal and environmental hygiene.
With regard to schools and universities, lessons can be held in presence, a mask is required if distances cannot be maintained. Prime Minister Conte explained today that the current scenario offers, among other things, “the possibility of interrupting some particularly risky activities, even for hours, the possibility of staggered lessons for school, increased smart work to decongest transport”