From the six-hour meeting between the government and the regions, there is even an anticipation of the new restrictive measures: they will be adopted from November 2 instead of November 4, and above all: they will apply to the whole of Germany. And the restrictions will be accompanied by a new package of ten billion euros to guarantee premises forced to close, 75% of the turnover of November, if they have less than 50 employees.
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“The situation is very serious,” Merkel said after the meeting, adding that “infections are doubling faster”, now every 9 or 10 days, and that “the dynamics is exponential.” The Foreign Minister told journalists that “at this rate, in a few weeks we would reach the limit of the health system.” For Merkel “it is a difficult day, but we must find a way not to fall into a state of health emergency.” We need “a national effort.” The chancellor said she understood the concerns of citizens: “these are tough and tough measures.” We will talk more in depth about the acceptance of the measures, but I think there are more than two weeks among citizens.
Starting next Monday, restaurants, breweries and bars will have to lower the blinds (they can only offer take away). Discos and nightclubs will also close. Curtain in theaters, cinemas and concert halls; Also swimming pools and closed gyms. Matches, including those in the Bundesliga, will continue, but without spectators.
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Hotels will also be closed in November: overnight stays in Germany will only be allowed in exceptional cases, such as business trips. And on travel, the Chancellor recalled that “the rules already agreed” (that is, quarantine or mattress) apply to travel from countries at risk and that “controls will be strengthened”, but “we do not want border controls.”
Both the shops, which will have to guarantee 25 square meters of space for each customer, as well as the kindergartens and schools will remain open, and this is the big difference with spring. Even religious services will be allowed: “We have not banned the masses, just as the shops are still open,” Merkel said, recalling that “we are not in the situation of March.”
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However, the limitations on personal contacts return: a maximum of 10 people or two families or partners can meet. “Experts tell us – said the chancellor – that we must limit contacts by 75%. Precisely because we have the priority of keeping kindergartens and schools open ”.
The design on Merkel’s head is stated: keep “schools and kindergartens open” as much as possible, to get to Christmas in a less tense situation. The “traffic light” that had been in force until now, the threshold of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days that triggered the restrictions at the local level, disappears and gives way to a unitary scheme of restrictions. “We must flatten the curve and lower infections to re-establish the traceability of cases with the scheme of 50 infections per 100,000 citizens,” he explained. The Chancellor has pointed out that “of 75% of the infections we do not know what origin they have.”
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Before rulers of regions less affected by the pandemic such as Mecklenburg and Thuringia, who until now had rejected the idea of a unified decision, there are others, such as the Prime Minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, who during the meeting would have even asked for the proclamation of the state of emergency. However, the measures will go through a Bundestag vote: many MPs and political leaders had called for greater parliamentary involvement in recent weeks.
During the meeting, Merkel would have mentioned the rate of doubling of infections, now reduced to one week. If there is no reduction in contacts, he added, in the next seven days the pace of the pandemic could skyrocket to 28,000 cases a day. And at the fourth doubling, he warned, the health system would collapse,
A document from the Ministry of the Interior published by the image gives a grim picture of the situation in Germany. Only four out of sixteen lands remained below the critical threshold of the 50 infected registered in the last week for every 100,000 citizens. Going into more detail, there are 285 municipalities and 402 districts, that is, 71%. At the moment in Germany there are 1.75 tampons per week
The rate of admission to intensive care is also growing: 108 patients in 24 hours for a total of 1,470, of which 688 are connected to ventilators. The number of beds still free in intensive care is 7,642 (21,747 are occupied). The mortality rate is 2.2%.