Tragedy on the soccer field, dies at age 9 while playing with friends


Tragedy on the Villa Verucchio soccer field, on Tuesday afternoon, where a 9-year-old boy lost his life. The drama consummates around 18 when the boy, who was training with his friends from Asd Verucchio, suddenly collapsed to the ground and was knocked unconscious. Immediately the alarm went off and, immediately, the 118 vehicles ran while one of the coaches began the first aid maneuvers with cardiac massage waiting for the arrival of an ambulance and a medicalized car.

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Doctors began maneuvers to try to revive the young athlete but, despite desperate attempts to restart the heart, in the end the doctor had to surrender and could not help declaring his death. The police from the Villa Verucchio station intervened on the football field and, for the moment, it is being decided whether to submit the body to an autopsy. According to the first investigations, it would be an inexplicable tragedy also because, according to what appears, the young player seems to have never had heart problems and had passed the sports fitness medical examination without problems. The boy was the son of a well-known local merchant.

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