Germany, blockade from 4 November: will Italy do the same?


Italy is closely watching the movements of its European neighbors, ready for new emergency shutdown. After France, where the new national blockade is activated from midnight tomorrow, there are also Germany Move towards a new bloc: Angela Merkel plans tougher restrictive measures to contain the pandemic, which has reached record levels.

Today, the chancellor meets with the heads of the 16 German states by videoconference to discuss the situation and decide what to do. A November 4 “shutdown light” is being considered that provides for bars, clubs, restaurants and all non-essential commercial activities to close in November, but schools would remain open.

With almost 15,000 new cases of Covid-19 and 85 new deaths in the last 24 hours, Germany has the highest number of infections since the start of the health emergency.

Germany: a national blockade to save family Christmas

Merkel said that without tighter restrictions, the hospital system, where ICUs are filling up at a rapid rate, is at risk of collapsing before Christmas.

Therefore, the government’s goal is to quickly stop the infection trend in order to avoid powerful new restrictive measures in the country. Christmas time. “Families and friends should be able to get together at Christmas, even if the coronavirus is circulating. But this now requires a joint effort, as it happened in the spring. “Merkel said.

The new blockade in Germany would remain in force from November 4 to the end of the month, with the federal and state governments evaluating the effectiveness of the measures after two weeks. The objective is to reduce the incidence to less than 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days, so as to ensure that health authorities can effectively monitor those infected.

The new restrictive measures

The new blockade in Germany should include the hotel closure and the stop of tourist accommodation offers throughout the month of November. People will be invited to avoid traveling and visits to friends and family.

Bars, clubs, pubs, restaurants and similar structures will be closed, but they will be able to make home deliveries and take away.

It also closed theaters, concert halls and cinemas; stop for recreational and amateur sports and closure of sports facilities, swimming pools, sports halls, gyms, game rooms, amusement parks, brothels, massage centers, tattoo studios and beauty centers,

I would stay open Barber Shop, shops and medical centers, as well as schools and kindergartens, although federal states are asked to introduce additional protection measures.

Forbidden to gather in public places and at home except with family members.

Given the new restrictions, the federal government intends extend aid to businesses and improve conditions for the economic sectors most affected by the closures, such as the culture and entertainment and events industries.
