tampons in military hospitals – Corriere.it


Use military facilities to increase the number of tampons and send backup doctors to hospitals and clinics: This is the government’s plan in the face of the collapse of the diagnostic and tracking system to combat Covid-19 infections. But also to intensify controls on compliance with the regulations that have just come into force, as underlined in the Interior Ministry circular issued yesterday. Across Italy, waiting times for tests are not decreasing and now there is a plan to expand the number of doctors and nurses but also the places that citizens can go.. This morning the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia will summon the Regions for the distribution of another 1,500 ventilators, but the real weak point continues to be first aid and therefore most of the health personnel that will enter service in these weeks.

In some cities, especially Rome, queues for swabs sometimes exceed 10 hours. A situation that convinces many citizens to avoid the test. A gap in the follow-up that will now have to be filled. For this reason, a greater use of military structures, hospitals and barracks is being evaluated, as happened in the first phase of the epidemic. But also health volunteers, therefore the Red Cross and other organizations that can support the national health system. The family doctors who will receive the kits to carry out the tests in the laboratories will also have to contribute from today. Many of them have already made it known that they do not have the proper studies to perform swabs, but the pressure on drive-ins makes it necessary to increase the number of doctors capable of verifying whether citizens have contracted the virus. In fact, pediatricians who can contribute to ray detection in schools have also been included in the list.

Snack Decree, who can ask for help and how much it costs

On the respect of the rules, on the other hand, yesterday, the circular of the Viminale Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi was issued, requesting controls but emphasizing that There can be no penalty for house parties or for traveling within the allowed hours: Regarding the reception of guests at home, the Dpcm reinforces the recommendation contained in the previous presidential provision. Taking into account the urgent need to prevent the spread of the virus, which can be facilitated by occasional contacts even between relatives who do not live together, and therefore to adapt behavior, even in the private sphere, to a principle of maximum precaution, it is recommended that in homes Individuals avoid receiving people other than those who live together, except for work needs or situations of need and urgency. For this reason, it is reiterated for the benefit of the activity of the investigating bodies, that The provisions of the Dpcm made explicit in the form of a recommendation do not give rise to the imposition of sanctions in case of non-compliant behavior.

October 28, 2020 (change October 28, 2020 | 07:08)

