Covid Lombardia, today’s newsletter, October 27: 5,035 infections and 58 deaths, increase in hospitalizations


Milan, October 27, 2020 – Covid-19 does not stop its career. Today in Italy me new cases of coronavirus are 21,994, detected on the basis of 174398 swabs, 221 i passed away. Almost a quarter of the new national positives are related to Lombardy where infections verified in the last 24 hours were 5,035 (of which 260 ‘weak positives’ and 26 after serological tests) his 29,960 swabs performed. The case-swab ratio increased slightly, 16.8% (yesterday it was 16.7%). Today, Tuesday October 27, new dramatic increase in deceased: Am 58 the victims Lombardy (17,310 since the start of the Covid-19 emergency). Alarming figures related to hospitalizations: growth of 29 in intensive care and +256 in other departments (2,715 in total). There are 418 cured / discharged, for a total of 90,774 (of which 3,284 were discharged and 87,490 recovered).

Lombardy, data for Tuesday, October 27

Coronavirus in Lombardy, data from October 27, 2020

The Milan province is first for new infections daily: there are almost two thousand (1,940) cases in the province of Milan, 768 of which in the city of Milan. The neighboring province of Monza and Brianza, which exceeded a thousand infections a day, with a record growth of 1,362 in 24 hours. The numbers in the other provinces are much lower, even if they are all three digits. Third the province of Varese, with +263, followed by How (+215) Almost two hundred cases per Lecco (+198), +188 to Pavia, +170 to Brescia. 130 year increase I gave it, +128 to Cremona, +107 to Sondrio, +105 to Mantua. Finally, for new cases, the province of Bergamo, the most affected area in March-April: +93 cases.

Covid-19 in Italy, infections of October 27 / Pdf

In light of the Covid-19 emergency bulletin in Italy published by the Ministry of Health, the Lombardy confirms the region with the most infections in the last 24 hours: about 1,500 more than yesterday when, however, about 9 thousand fewer swabs were made. Salt the alarm Also in Piedmont with 2,500 new infections but only 12,500 swabs, almost half of those performed in Lazio that today registers 2 thousand new cases. In Campania there are 2,760 daily infections versus 14,700 tampons, yesterday it was 1,900 for 11,500 tampons. The total number of positives is currently 255,090, of which 239,724 are in home isolation. The number of hospitalized is 13,955 (+958 compared to yesterday), of which 1,411 (+127) in intensive care.

Milan new battlefront

Center of the new wave the Metropolitan city, which in March-April had been less affected by the circulation of the virus. by Walter Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University and advisor to the Minister of Health, the measures adopted so far (regional ordinance with curfew and measurements of the new Dpcm) are not enough to stop Covid-19 in the most affected areas: “A Milan me Naples one can take the COVID-19 going into the bar, the restaurant, taking the bus, ”he explained. Being in close contact with a positive is very easy because the the virus circulates a lot. In these areas the emergency shutdown is necessaryNot in other areas of the country. “At night Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, with respect to the hypothesis of Mirati closureexplained: “It is the possibility of interventions at the territorial level is contemplated, the Dpcm allows it “and this is the system we are pursuing.”

Fountain and living room: no blocking

Worrying, in particular, is the strong pressure on hospitals. Yesterday the admissions in intensive care increased by 11 units (in total they reached 242), while the admissions in the other rooms increased by 133, for a total of 2,459 places occupied. The siege of the great Milanese hospitals known as the coronavirus hub is already a reality: “It is a time bomb.” For him Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala even in the “worst case, we would have 10-15 days to decide on a possible lock“The average intensity of care is the point that obstructs hospitals,” explained the mayor. they have the theme of a great mass of shelters. I don’t think it’s unsolvable and that it should lead to a general lockdown now. ” Governor Attilio Fontana He reiterated: “I exclude that the conditions exist to predict hypotheses of this type, in fact, all our interventions go in the direction of avoid any type of confinement“.

The puzzle of the effectiveness of the measures

Only the steps to take to contain the virus are in the center of a tough confrontation, even in the scientific and health world. On the one hand, the supporters of the blockade of cities like Milan with too high figures and in constant growth, on the other hand, those who believe that the measures adopted with the new Dpcm are sufficient far away lower the contagion curve. One thing seems certain: quelli is coming, for the Lombardy, they will be Difficult days. “ME the numbers will grow, he The effects of the measures will only be seen in 15 days.“The Councilor for Well-being recalled yesterday Giulio Gallera. “We face one very harsh reality“he said Massimo galli, primary specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan and professor at the State University. “We cannot see how much of what we had painstakingly accomplished with the March-May blockade has been lost, Galli noted, adding that the infection trend gives SARS-CoV-2 “It certainly will not improve in the next few days. We cannot expect the next few days to be quiet because the phenomena that are on the way will not disappear. Therefore, we must expect a series of new cases for the next few days.” The point, however, is another: “If the measures taken now do not stop the current trend, the matter becomes very serious and at that time we have no alternative.” confinement in some areas of Italy.
