Musumeci: “In Sicily a bill to renounce the closure of bars and restaurants”


“Tonight the regional government will meet to approve a bill that recalls in form and substance the law of the province of Bolzano. I hope that Parliament can agree on this issue.” After announcing to Tg2 Post the intention to repeal the Dpcm with which Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte limited the opening hours of restaurants to 6 in the afternoon and imposed the obligation to close cinemas and theaters, the President of the Region de Nello Musumeci raises the white flag and trusts Ars: after a day of discussions with Rome, the governor announces that the proposal will have to go through the regional Parliament, with times that, therefore, are lengthening. In South Tyrol, restaurants are open until 10 PM, bars until 8 PM.

However, in the Chamber, Musumeci launches war proclamations: “With due respect to the national government,” he says, “we believe that we have the right to regulate the measures that the region’s presidents may adopt in certain matters. Measures that until now have been restrictive and could be extensive. The idea of ​​requesting exceptions also for extensive matters is not new: these days there is a regulation of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano that governs certain measures to contain the epidemic ”.

In the morning there were several exponents of the majority who had asked for a move: “In the last decree of the government – said for example the former president of the Senate, Renato Schifani- there are some punitive measures that are not based on territorial epidemiological evidence. It was taken into account that the virus spreads less in some parts of the country. This is an objective fact. For this reason, the recently launched Dpcm is undermined by a fundamental flaw: the lack of awareness that the balance between the need to prevent the spread of Covid and the safeguarding of the economic and social fabric must be sought in an approach of limitations that has in account the different territorial evidences ”. “These limitations – said the president of Ars Gianfranco Micciché – would be a blow for us”.

For Musumeci, in reality, “the situation of the epidemic in Sicily indicates a constant growth of infections. Sicily, however, has strengthened its health system with more than three thousand operators. We are among the Italian regions that were the first in have swabs and tests. We have analyzed more than 460 thousand unique cases with molecular tests and more than 250 thousand with serological tests. ” The governor that Sicily has “thrown away the summer period. Nothing could be more false. This is demonstrated by the strengthening of the territorial network, the contracts carried out, the treatment programs adopted, the monitoring of tourists and the start of the works in the hospital structures, some of which have already been completed and delivered. ”
