“Dear Master Muti, mine was a particularly painful decision.” Conte writes to the director


“Dear Master Muti.” Thus begins the letter from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to the Corriere della Sera, in which he addresses the great director to respond “to his heartfelt appeal” on the government’s decision to close concert halls and concert halls until the last Dpcm Sunday. theaters, which – Conte writes – “is objectively ‘serious'”, since “concerts and theatrical performances are food for the spirit, food for the soul”, but “precisely because it was a particularly painful decision”, admits the executive chieff. However, there is a reason: “We have been forced to take it because the primary objective must now be to regain control of the epidemiological curve and prevent its continuous rise from compromising the efficiency of our health system and, with it, stability” . of the entire social and economic system. “Riccardo Muti wrote yesterday:” Closing concert halls and theaters is a serious decision. The impoverishment of the mind and spirit is dangerous and also harms the health of the body. Define, as I have heard from For some government representatives, the theatrical and musical activity as “superfluous” is an expression of ignorance, lack of culture and lack of sensitivity. This decision does not take into account the sacrifices, sufferings and responsibilities towards civil society of thousands of Artists and Workers of all the various sectors of the show, who certainly today feel offended in their professional dignity and full of apprehension for the future of their lives. I ask you, sure to interpret the thoughts not only of the artists but also of a large part of the public, that give life to theatrical and musical activities for that need for spiritual nourishment without which society becomes brutal. They are attended by people who are knowledgeable about the anti-Covid regulations and the indicated and recommended security measures have always been respected. I hope that you can accept this appeal, while I confidently greet you cordially ”.

The prime minister writes: “I signed the document only when we were sure, after the verifications carried out in the Ministry of Economy and with the General State Accounting Office, of being able to approve, in the Council of Ministers that will be held this afternoon, a decree- law that will allow to provide immediate supplies and support measures to economic operators and workers affected by the new regulations ”.
As for the culture sector, Conte defends, “the criterion that guided us was not to indiscriminately hit a sector considered ‘superfluous’ in front of others” and “the experience that we have gained in these months of great difficulty confirms that Culture contributes to strengthening the identity of an entire people, acts as an engine of social cohesion and, at the same time, lays the foundations for a dialogue that crosses regions and national borders, helping to capture, in own and other people’s legends, the destiny common of finiteness of the human being ”, however“ the reduction of social occasions and moments of aggregation also implies the drastic reduction of the number of personal contacts ”.

Therefore, the Prime Minister begins to conclude, “We are forced to make these additional sacrifices. But we do not intend at all to renounce beauty, culture, music, art, cinema, theater “because” we need the sustenance that we derive from these activities and the capacity for dreaming that they awaken in us. We intend to return as soon as possible to enjoy these emotions in company, sharing the silent harmony that is established in the presence of a neighbor, even if it is unknown “but” it is with this spirit, dear Master, that we have assumed the responsibility of making such decisions. painful. “To later conclude:” But I assure you that, with Minister Franceschini, we are already working to turn the microphones, spotlights, projectors back on as soon as possible and ensure the conditions for an effective relaunch of all entertainment activities, trusting in commitment, with the energies and intelligence of all ”.
