While infections in Italy continue to increase, today they are 21994 me new cases – he tracking From the chains of contagion they went crazy. the regions they ask the Ministry of Health to reduce the workload for health authorities, identify priorities, such as buffers before AI symptomatic. On the one hand, stopping looking for asymptomatic people, however, means going back to March, when around 700 thousand positives have escaped diagnosis, according to me Istat-Iss data. On the other hand, the number of cases is increasing and resources are struggling to satisfy the tracking: “They are important and difficult numbers sustainable“, For which it is necessary to resort to mitigation, said the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro. The demand from the regions, however, has been strongly criticized by many experts because it would lead to to lose control of the epidemiological curve, it would be “a travelIn fact, it explains Flavia riccardo of the ISS, it is likely that “beyond the80% of all who contract the infection are asymptomatic the paucisintomatici“. The positives without symptoms are 56.5% on the total of molecular tests carried out in the period July 20-October 20. Instead, the percentage was equal to 15.1% in the first three months of the epidemic (February 20 to May 20), when only those with symptoms were sampled.
“Although the average age of Covid-19 cases has decreased since last spring, increasing me cases in the elderly. For this i Young people they must take special care to protect them ”, explained Brusaferro at the press conference organized by the Ministry of Health. “The data shows a continuous progression in hospitalizations and the challenge is to manage the epidemic by guaranteeing assistance to other health needs, which continue to exist ”, added the president of the ISS, noting that limit, which should not be exceeded, beyond which i patients who suffer from other pathologies they could no longer find an answer in our hospitals. “The incidence of COVID-19 it is growing and the country is involved in all its regions, in some of which the incidence has increased more than in others ”, explained Brusaferro, referring to the monitoring data presented last Friday.
The asymptomatic “may be one great fountain contagion, “said the physicist from the La Sapienza University of Rome, Giorgio parisi, criticizing the demands of the regions. The immunovirologist Guido Poli, president of the Transversal Pact for Science and professor of General Pathology atVita-Salute San Raffaele University Milan also highlights another aspect. : he twenty% of people affected by the coronavirus are superdiffusori and are responsible for “70-80% infections in general. Within this 20% of virus super-spreaders, the vast majority are represented by asymptomatic subjects ”. That’s why tracking them is like this important. However, Poli also proposes another way to find the asymptomatic, me “surgical closures“In other words,” surgical containment of areas where data indicates a spread of infection higher than the national average, as was done at the beginning of the epidemic, for example a Codogno me Vo ‘ but no, unfortunately, ad They get up“.
“Molecular swabs they are not infinite and some would like to see it again usage strategy reserving them for clinical analysis, that is, symptomatic“, Emphasizes Poli, referring precisely to the request that came mainly from the regions. “One of the problems – points out Poli – is power ID these super speakers, so they are supposed to have a higher viral load of the average although we still do not have consolidated scientific data in this regard ”. Obviously, he emphasizes, “the more you can to try the population, the most asymptomatic positives are identified among close contacts, and all this is based on an active analysis even in a healthy population. “Therefore,” epidemiological observation and localized ‘surgical’ interventions are crucial, rather than generalized blockage. ” mini-lock, he concludes, “we should finally proceed to test extensively the population”.
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Coronavirus, data: 21,994 new cases and 221 deaths registered in 24 hours. Record in Campania: +2,761 infections. Another 127 in resuscitation
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Covid, almost 50 thousand requests for the call for contact tracing bans. 2 thousand places available to help the Regions in monitoring