“We are in chaos.” And to strengthen Revives it takes 4 months.


Six days ago the first signs: maybe something is stuck in the positive tracking system in the province of Isernia affected by an explosion of infections unprecedented compared to the first phase of the pandemic. 411 cases found only in that area sui 703 tested throughout Molise, as reported by the health authority in yesterday’s bulletin. The contagion index Rt is 1.45.

Isernia and Castelpetroso then they lead the ranking of the centers in which the highest number of people with a Sars-Cov-2 infection is registered: respectively 125 and 95 positive.

Chaos buffers in the Isernino, many to redo and times that are lengthening. El Asrem: “We are solving”

We wanted to establish the red zone in Castelpetroso. We opted for dynamic surveillance so that the population respects the quarantine because we do not have men available to guard the population with checkpoints.“: The statements that this morning (October 27) the president Donato Toma informed the Regional Council during his briefing.

Of course, the governor himself shortly after was quick to add that “The situation is under control”, but it is not known to what extent these words are an exact photograph of reality. The (sadly anonymous) stories of healthcare workers say the opposite: the system has problems, is understaffed and cannot handle overtime needed to perform the large number of swabs needed in this period to identify positives and prevent the spread of infection. The commissioner ad acta has extended the contracts of the VAT number.

Then Toma himself, who yesterday brought together the Crisis Unit, acknowledged: “We are the second region in Italy to number of swabs performed. And the lot of tampons is getting critical issues “. The Department of National Civil Protection has also assigned Molise “a military team composed of a military doctor and two nurses who will carry out Drive-Through, tamponi in car. In addition, three administrators and eight health workers will be hired. “We should have more Usca, but I think the winning strategy is the participation of general practitioners“.

Another hot topic: strengthening laboratories where the swabs are processed. In Molise, the only operation is that of the Cardarelli hospital. “I asked the commissioners to allow smaller private health facilities to perform at least antigen testing to relieve the work of Asrem employees “, added the head of the Executive.

Not only the positive tracking system is affected by the swabs. We also look at people with apprehension hospitals. Asrem is improving the Infectious Diseases department on the fifth floor of Cardarelli Campobasso where 12 more beds have been enabled.

By reinforce revives, rescue rooms for the most serious patients with respiratory difficulties due to coronavirus, we will have to wait. “Regarding the intensive care work in Cardarelli and the increase in beds in Isernia and Termoli, Designs will be commissioned these days. The schedule foresees the completion of the works in four months. Actually, I asked to accelerate ”, words of the governor in the House. Perhaps ‘elephantine’ times for a virus that every day has new positives and deaths: two deaths today in Molise, five in the last six days. In total 31 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

cardarelli pads

too mayors are now beginning to fear the impact of the second wave of the Sars-cov-2 epidemic, which started a few weeks ago. Giuseppe Di Pilla, first citizen of Sant’Agapito (a town in the province of Isernia where 10 positives have been found so far), has launched an sos e reported criticality important: “We are in total chaos, at the mercy of uncertaintyHe writes in a note sent to the editorial staff. “Everything was predictable, they talked about it for months, everyone knew that the second wave of the pandemic would come and no one thought of organizing a control room and activating sampling points with swabs and maybe even tampons at home for delicate and complex situations ”.

Di Pilla recounts what happened in Sant’Agapito: “There are five families, even quite large, who have had a fever of 40 ° C since last Friday. The family doctor was alerted, who proceeded to follow the complaint process and various requests . But To date, no member of the five families has been contacted. I am puzzled by the ineffectiveness and negligence of the competent institutions. How can entire families with children with fever be left alone? Beyond them – continues the mayor – There are 10 cases of proven positivity found in home isolation, but the most important thing is to know if there are cases of positivity among the 5 families, since some of them carry out work in contact with other people. The citizens are afraid, it is understandable. For now they have barricaded themselves in the house, but I dare not imagine if fear turns to anger, what could happen. I avoid more serious episodes on a daily basis and I call on the competent bodies to take immediate measures with adequate services for the Molise area, which despite having the numbers of a large city, does not have the morphological characteristics to allow metropolitan practices ”.

The mayors’ complaint is relaunched by the Federation of the Democratic Party of Isernia: “They come Worrying news from health workers and citizens who report serious difficulties in managing the Covid-19 health emergency and in the ordinary activity of hospitals, critical situation which is now also exploiting in Molise, particularly in the province of Pentra. Every day – writes Maria Teresa D’Achille – we learn of new closures in Isernia (schools, kindergarten, court), we are reliving the worst moment of the pandemic with the aggravation that this “second wave” was largely predictable but despite this the health emergency was managed in a totally inadequate way. “
