Who do the contributions go to? We are moving towards a full-bodied snack for the service sector, with restaurants that should receive 150% of what they already had in the subsidy with the Relaunch decree and bars and patisseries that should receive 200%. The list of activities and the related compensation “coefficients” that will enter the provisioning decree would continue to be subject to the latest submissions. Just for discos and similar clubs, essentially closed since March, the soda should reach 400%.
Non-refundable grant: maximum limit of 150 thousand euros The new subsidy will go to “all operators in the economic sectors affected by the restrictive measures”, with no turnover limit (therefore also for those over 5 million) and will have a maximum ceiling of 150 thousand euros. The draft dl specifies that those who have not requested the non-refundable contribution in the edition provided for in the relaunch decree must make a specific request: “subjects who have activated the VAT number as of October 25” or those who they have already ceased their activities before this date. The Agenzia delle Entrate will reopen the appropriate web channel to allow you to submit new requests and calculate the contribution, based on the same parameters used for those who had previously received it (i.e. a percentage of the decrease in billing and payments from the April 2020 compared to April 2019). The fees will be “differentiated by economic sector” identified based on the Ateco codes. For those who have already received the quote in summer, the snack will be “paid by the Tax Agency by direct payment to the bank or postal current account in which the previous quote was paid.”
The list of interested categories – On the list there will surely be bars, pastry shops, restaurants forced to close at 6 p.m., but also cinemas, theaters, amusement parks, discos, sports centers, swimming pools. But hotels and tourist facilities are also being evaluated. For companies there will also be a new tax credit on rentals for the months of October and November and cancellation of the second installment of the IMU on December 16.
Compensation also for taxis and Nccs There are also taxi drivers and rental owners with driver among the categories that receive the refreshments assigned by the government in the decree approved in support of the activities closed or damaged by the latest anti-Covid measures ”. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola De Micheli, at the end of the Council of Ministers. Taxi and NCC have rightly stated in a meeting at MIT that the activity, although not suspended, will in fact be suspended after 6 pm, considering the closures of the Dpcm. Thus, they will be able to benefit from a compensation equivalent to 100% of what they have obtained with the April Relaunch. The resources – he concludes – will be entered directly into checking accounts. I thank Undersecretary Salvatore Margiotta who met with the representatives of the categories and contributed to this result ”.
Cig extended until January 2021 – Aid will also arrive for workers, while from Brussels the president of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen announces the arrival of the first 10 billion from the Sure fund to cover the costs of shock absorbers and labor protection. The decree includes the extension of the Cig until January 31 at the expense of the State, so as not to leave without coverage those who have already exhausted all the weeks available in mid-November. Six weeks of additional Covid layoffs, recognized to employers who have already been fully authorized the additional period of the decree-law of August 14, 2020, n. 104, and to businessmen belonging to the sectors affected by the measures that order the closure or limitation of economic and productive activities to face the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The six weeks must be located in the period between November 16, 2020 and January 31, 2021.
Catalfo: “Exemption from listing, stop layoffs and extend the Cig” For all companies “we are guaranteed another 6 weeks of Covid-19 layoffs that can be used from November 16 to January 31, 2021 or, alternatively, an additional 4 weeks of tax exemption. At the same time, we are extending the blocking of layoffs until January 31 “, writes the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, after the approval of the Ristori decree.
Aid for culture, entertainment and tourism – There is also a new one-time allowance for seasonal tourism, entertainment and sports workers, which should be 1,000 euros.
Emergency income for the most fragile families In Dl Ristori, two new monthly emergency income payments (Rem) are envisaged for many economically fragile citizens and disadvantaged families who are paying a high price for the pandemic. One month of emergency income in November will be allocated to families that already benefit from the contribution based on the August decree and for those families that in September registered a family income value lower than that of the Rem, from 400 to 800 euros. This is what we read in a draft of the provision. According to the calculations contained in the technical report, in the first hypothesis there would be 158 thousand additional receiving nuclei that, receiving an average amount of 560 euros, would bring the cost of renewal of the check in November to 170 million euros, while for the second it is possible to estimate 100 thousand new families. wage earners at a cost of 56 million euros.
Catalfo: “Compensation of a thousand euros for seasonal workers” Among other regulations, “we have planned a bonus of one thousand euros for seasonal tourism workers (including those with temporary or temporary contracts), as well as for seasonal workers from other sectors, entertainment workers, intermittent workers, vendors who they carry porta and workers, among those categories to which the pandemic has imposed the greatest sacrifices so far and that without our intervention would have been deprived of all support ”, explains Minister Catalfo.
Compensation of 800 euros to the precarious in the world of sport For the month of November 2020, the company Sport e Salute SpA pays compensation of 800 euros, up to a maximum limit of 124 million euros for the year 2020, in favor of the workers employed with collaborative relationships in the Coni, the The Italian Paralympic Committee, the national sports federations, the associated sports disciplines, the sports promotion bodies recognized by the Coni and the CIP, the companies and associations of amateur sports. “Article 16 of the text provides for this. Article 3 also establishes the “Support Fund for Amateur Sports Associations and Amateur Sports Societies” within the maximum limit of 50 million euros for the year 2020 and is intended for the adoption of support and recovery measures for amateur sports clubs and associations. “.
Refund bonus for live performances scheduled from October 24 to January 2021 Coupon reimbursement also for live shows scheduled from October 24 to January 2021 and skipped due to new anti-Covid restrictions. Therefore, the measure also applies to “securities acquired from October 1 to 24 not used” until now and “not available until January 31, 2021”.
Stop foreclosures until the end of the year Also comes the brake on foreclosures until December 31. “Any executive foreclosure procedure is ineffective, contemplated in article 555 of the Code of Civil Procedure – reads the draft -, which refers to the principal residence of the debtor, carried out from October 25, 2020 until the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree “.
Municipal elections from November 22 to 23 postponed to next year “In consideration of the epidemiological situation of Covid-19, for the year 2020 the elections of the municipalities whose organs have been dissolved in accordance with article 143 of the consolidated law according to Legislative Decree No. 267 of August 18, 2000, already convened for the dates of November 22 and 23, 2020, they are postponed and held at the same time as the ordinary round of municipal elections of the first semester of 2021, through the complete renewal of the procedure for submitting all lists and candidatures to mayor and councilor ”.
400 million fund for tour operators The decree also allocates 400 million euros to support tour operators, from travel agencies and tour operators to tour guides and companions. Another 100 million will be allocated to the Emergency Fund for companies and cultural institutions: the additional resources will be used in particular to offset the losses suffered by the sector related to the organization of fairs and congresses.
Funds for GPs and Pediatricians for Quick Swabs Finally, the draft of the decree made up of 32 articles also provides, among other measures, for a loan of 30 million euros to allow general practitioners and pediatricians to perform “rapid antigenic swabs”.