“Don’t blow the fire for a few more points in the polls”, today the program is on “Fatto Quotidiano” – Libero Quotidiano


The president of the I recommend Giuseppe Conte overwhelmed by the controversy over the nth newly released Dpcm, he had to justify the measures discussed and in particular the closure of theaters and concert halls, in two interventions, about him Daily occurrence It’s in Corriere della Sera.

“We just launched a Dpcm with more restrictive but necessary measures. That Dpcm was born from a long confrontation between all the majority forces, represented by the respective heads of delegation. These measures are not in doubt. Rather, they must be explained to a suffering population, which legitimately asks to understand the reasons for the government’s decisions, “wrote the prime minister in the pages of Done to explain the reasons that led to the time restrictions and closures of restaurants, gyms, cinemas and theaters.

“We have not decided these closures indiscriminately – says the Prime Minister – All the measures put in place respond to the need to maintain the contagion curve. With smart work and the use of distance education in secondary schools, we aim to reduce meeting times and, above all, the influx of means of transport during the day, because we know that it is above all where crowds are created and therefore contagion opportunities. Buying hundreds of new public transportation immediately is impossibleFor this reason, the public transport system had to be decongested, acting on school and work and other opportunities for outing, such as sports activities in gyms and swimming pools ”.

All free for Christmas?  A fucking break.  Vittorio Feltri, if Conte is premier: beyond any logic

The same goes for the entreteinment activities: “Going out at night to go to a restaurant, cinema or theater means taking public transport or taxi, stopping sooner or later in a square to have a drink or meet friends, lower the threshold of attention and create social gatherings”. In addition, “decrease the social occasionsWe also reduce the number of contacts, which makes follow-up easier. Now is the time for responsibility – Conte concludes – Politics, and this is especially true for those in government, who must be able to account to citizens for their choices, take responsibility for their actions and don’t blow into the fire social unrest due to some percentage of consensus in the surveys ”.

About him Messenger ServiceInstead, Conte answers to an appeal launched yesterday by the teacher from the columns of the Milanese newspaper Riccardo Muti: the premiere agrees with the musician that “the decision to close concert halls and theaters is objectively ‘serious’ since such shows” are food for the spirit, food for the soul “. “It’s a choice”, reasons, “che we don’t take it lightly because we are aware that all the protagonists of the entertainment world have already suffered enormous difficulties for many months ”.

For the dpcm, Conte writes, “I signed my signature only when we were sure we could approve, in Cdm that will take place this afternoon, a decree-law that will allow Immediate refreshments and support measures.. (…) With Minister Franceschini, we are already working to turn microphones, spotlights, projectors back on as soon as possible, and guarantee the conditions for an effective relaunch of all entertainment activities ”.
