Today in Puglia there are 611 new cases of coronavirus, based on 5147 registered swabs. This is announced by the Region that has released the usual epidemiological bulletin. Unfortunately, 13 deaths have also been recorded, of which 10 in the province of Foggia, 2 in Tarantino, 1 in the Bari area. The positives are currently 8708, those hospitalized in health facilities in the region amount to 697 (yesterday they were 648).
The positivity is distributed as follows: 239 in the province of Bari, 13 in the province of Brindisi, 142 in the province of BAT, 137 in the province of Foggia, 15 in the province of Lecce, 58 in the province of Taranto , 7 attributed to residents outside the region.
531,155 tests have been carried out since the emergency began. 6187 are recovered patients. The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the pandemic is 15,581, divided as follows: 6,524 in the province of Bari; 1,646 in the province of Bat; 1,081 in the province of Brindisi; 3,691 in the province of Foggia; 1,134 in the province of Lecce; 1,391 in the province of Taranto; 114 attributed to residents outside the region.
20 ACTIVATED BEDS IN THE PERINEI DE ALTAMURA HOSPITAL – The first 20 beds in the Covid room were activated today at the Perinei hospital in Altamura. In just over a week, ASL Bari has made an additional budget available to the Puglia region, compared to the network of Covid-19 beds envisaged in the August Coronavirus plan, to respond effectively to the rapid evolution of the health emergency. “The Altamura hospital responded quickly to the call from Puglia – comments President Michele Emiliano – I thank the health workers for the extraordinary work done and the commitment, in such a short time, to be able to install a Covid room in the hospital which represents the fundamental garrison of a vast territory. ” The Covid hospitalization area was organized on the sixth floor of the building. The first module is occupied by 20 infectious disease beds, but the structure has an overall capacity that can be expanded up to 60 Covid beds. The opening of the other hospitalization areas, all contiguous and equipped, will follow the progressive evolution of the epidemiological situation. “In a week – explains the general director of ASL Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce – we redesigned the organizational model of the Murgia hospital to make it functional to fight the pandemic.” The inauguration – declares the Councilor for Health Policies Pier Luigi Lopalco – is part of the regional strategy for the progressive adaptation of the hospital network to the coronavirus emergency, a strategy that allows increasing the receptivity of the Covid trying to stay as operational as possible. the rest of the hospital care ”.

THE ORTHOPEDICS REOPEN IN CASTELLANETA: HISPITOS NEGATIVOS – The Orthopedics and Traumatology service of the San Pio de Castellaneta hospital (Taranto) was reactivated today, closed last Sunday due to a positive case of Covid-19 that involved a patient. This was communicated by Dr. Emanuele Tatò, medical director of the hospital. All healthcare workers tested negative on the swab and were deemed fit to return to duty. According to the procedure, reports the ASL, all areas of the ward and the clinic have undergone sanitation operations.